Safe choice for accidental or unwanted pregnancy

October 11, 2019 1:33 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

safe-abortion-for-unplanned-pregnancyPlanned sexual activity is more likely to be protected and safe. However, when you have sexual intercourse in the fling of the moment, couples often forget to use protection. It eventually results in an unplanned pregnancy. Though you may think that it is too late to do anything, you can control the situation by ending your early pregnancy.

Hence, if you have a troublesome pregnancy, do not worry! An unplanned pregnancy is not the end of the world. There are ample of solutions which help you safely end the pregnancy.

What are the options?

Surgical pregnancy termination:

Surgical termination of pregnancy is suitable for second-trimester pregnancies. Doctors typically suggest surgery for pregnancies more than 12 weeks gestation.

What you should know:

It works on up to 21-week pregnancies.
Surgical abortion is also safe for ectopic pregnancy.
The surgery takes only a few hours to complete.

Medical pregnancy termination:

Medical termination of pregnancy is generally suggested for pregnancies up to 9 weeks. Also, women have to take a sonography test to ensure that the pregnancy is not ectopic.

Before the pregnancy tissues are taken out, its development is stopped by an anti-progesterone medicine. For this, you can consider taking (1) Mifepristone, (2) Mifeprex, (3) RU 486 are the abortion. In case expelling the tissues of pregnancy, there are two options in the medications – (1) Misoprostol, (2) Cytolog. Four pills of either of these medicines eject all fetal tissues from the vagina.

What you should know:

You can get an abortion pill online and receive it at home.
It helps women to maintain privacy.
MTP kit is one of the most widely used products for medically ending early pregnancies.

The temporary hormonal changes made by the abortion kit bring about temporary after-effects in the body while ending the pregnancy.

Which is safer?

Both methods of terminating the pregnancy are simple and safe. Women tend to choose medical abortion because of the easily available abortion pill online and can buy them at low cost. Additionally, medical abortion methods have helped women end the pregnancy at home without having to tell anyone about the pregnancy.

Where can I get abortion services?

Metro regions in the states typically have multiple abortion centers which help women end the pregnancy with dilation or suction method. Such abortion centers may not always be available in the rural areas or suburban areas of the states.

Speaking of abortion pills, local pharmacies sometimes offer Mifepristone, Misoprostol or MTP kit products. Accessing pill is not a big issue since women can get abortion pills from online pharmacies at almost the same or lower cost.

Whichever method you choose for ending your unwanted pregnancy, ensure that you perform a safe abortion. For a surgical abortion, find an abortion center that has experienced and skilled doctors to perform termination of pregnancy.

While choosing abortion pills, you may not have to worry much as correct administering methods of unwanted abortion kit it bring about 98% successful abortion results. You only have to ensure that you choose a genuine pharmacy for buying abortion pill.

Tags: buying abortion pill

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This post was written by Marcella

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