Categories for Abortion Information

How planc supports telehealth and online pharmacies

June 5, 2024 11:24 am Published by Leave your thoughts

How is Plan C Beneficial to Telehealth and Online Services During the Covid-19 pandemic many health care providers chose the route of telehealth. To overcome the obstacle of providing medical abortion care to women seeking abortion during this difficult time, access to telehealth abortion and buying pills from the online pharmacies made it easier for women to get the proper medical care. Access to medical abortion with pills has made it easy for women to practice safe abortion with appropriate medical care. With the emergence of telehealth and online abortion pill services, and how Plan C has promoted these, and made self-managed abortion at home common in the USA.  It has significantly helped enlighten people about medical abortion by providing accurate and helpful information about abortion, which can help women in choosing the best and safe abortion care practice.  Role of Plan C in helping Telehealth and Online Abortion Pills Service Plan C is a widely known non-profit organization that works in advocating people about medical abortion and helping them in accessing abortion in the USA by normalizing the use of abortion pills by mail.  Plan C conducts research globally on how people are accessing abortion pills in the USA,... View Article

Abortion Ban Impact On USA College Students

July 31, 2023 10:07 am Published by Leave your thoughts

In the past few years, the medical abortion process has become a contentious issue that has majorly influenced various aspects of society in the USA.  The decision where its impact is highly increasingly evident is in students’ college decisions. As a majority of states struggle with enacting abortion bans, young women, in particular, are confronted with the most difficult choices that have been far beyond their educational aspirations.  This blog delves into the time when the supreme court overturned the Roe V Wade decision effects of abortion bans on students entering their college life, exploring the challenges they need to face and the importance of safeguarding reproductive rights. US women are going through emotional burdens: Once a girl completes her schooling she is planning her way to dreamy top high schools far away from their home for quality education. In this, the specter of abortion bans brings about heightened emotional impact in parents wondering if their child is safe where there is no freedom to live or have attained reproductive rights. It makes the decision challenging for them to focus on their studies and college applications. The terror of being denied access to legal and safe abortion options is a... View Article

How to use Mifepristone and Misoprostol for terminating unwanted pregnancy?

October 10, 2022 8:53 am Published by Leave your thoughts

MTP Kit is a medical termination pack for early pregnancy. It contains a combination of two types of medicines – one pill of Mifepristone 200mg and 4 pills of Misoprostol 200mcg each. You can get Mifepristone and Misoprostol online kit for safe in-home pregnancy termination if within 9 weeks of gestation counted from the first day of the last menstrual period. The medicines together have a high efficacy rate of 99%. These medicines are used widely around the world and in the USA for early abortion. This post will take you through how to take MTP Kit pills, their outcomes, and side effects, abortion pill cost, where to buy the pills, and how to buy the pills online without hassles. How to Take Abortion Pill Unwanted Kit? Here is all the information on medical abortion at home: 1.    Steps to Take MTP Kit and Dosage Consume Mifepristone 200mg with water, orally on day 1. Following 24 to 48 hours, administer 4 x 200mcg Misoprostol pills by putting each pill in the vagina and letting it dissolve for half an hour by laying down on the back. Or, you can put 2 pills in either of the cheek pouches in... View Article

Ultrasound After Doing Medical Abortion

November 12, 2018 12:43 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

An ultrasound test or in other words, sonography is a medical test wherein you can easily capture live images from the inside of your body through its high-frequency sound waves. There are symptoms of pregnancy termination, but a pregnancy test is something doctors and medical experts always recommend. We’ll see the role of ultrasound test in a medical abortion procedure through this blog. When you buy abortion pills from an online or local stores Mifepristone, Generic RU 486 and Mifeprex are the options you are provided with for antiprogesterone medicines. Misoprostol and Cytolog are the pills available for prostaglandin medicines. Both these types make hormonal changes in a woman’s body to stop the pregnancy development and empty the uterus. Bleeding is an important symptom of pregnancy termination but it should not be contemplated as the confirmation of abortion status. To confirm the efficacy of the medicines of abortion, you must perform a pregnancy test. Ultrasound being one of the accurate results giving the method, you can consider negative pregnancy results in a sonography as the confirmation of pregnancy termination. An ultrasound test also helps you make aware of the complications involved in the procedure. Many women even perform a test... View Article

5 Reasons Why You Should Take Prescribed Abortion Tablets

November 5, 2018 12:32 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Mifepristone and Misoprostol are two FDA approved pills which safely terminate an unwanted pregnancy. However, this does not mean that any woman who’s taking an abortion can buy these tablets and terminate the pregnancy. One must make sure that one is eligible for the procedure. For this, a physician or a health care provider is always a reliable person to make the decision. Here are the 5 reasons why you should be taking abortion tablets through prescription. Safe option: Every body type is different. Consequently, the reaction for medicines is different for every woman. Taking abortion pill from a physician will guide you to the right kind of medication that will suit your body type. Most times, healthcare providers prescribe Mifepristone which is an anti-progesterone pill along with Misoprostol which is a prostaglandin pill. Keeps you away from risks: Your body is better known to your physician. If you have any contradictions for the abortion pills elements, he/she can give you other medication which will help solve the problem or tell you to pause the other medication which is causing contradiction to your unplanned pregnancy pill. Understand the procedure: When you take prescribed abortion tablets, your physician is likely to... View Article

Abortion: Why you should speak up!

October 6, 2018 10:15 am Published by Leave your thoughts

In a recent interview with a woman who underwent a medical abortion procedure,  our team assimilated that why there’s a need to openly talk about medical abortion. ‘I was under stress for almost 5 days until I spoke to my best friend and then my partner’. I felt relieved and it helped me gain confidence while taking abortion pill and terminating the pregnancy,’’ says Alaba from Texas who recently aborted her unintended pregnancy due to career reasons. Shedding the light open abortion discussion, the blog helps you learn how to talk about abortion. Reach out to your partner: The first person to share the news with should always be your partner. If he Your partner may not be able to share the pain you would face during the abortion process, but may find the best online store which is safe to buy abortion pills. Tell him your thoughts on the pregnancy. If he wishes to have a baby, you can convince him why you think you should wait for the right moment and start a family or any other reasons for abortion that you have. In such circumstances maintaining a transparency helps solve a lot of emotional issues. Tell your... View Article

What are the common side effects of medical abortion?

September 12, 2018 5:55 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Women misinterpret the symptoms of medical abortion with the side effects of abortion pills. There a difference between the two. We’ll understand what constitutes to the symptoms of pregnancy termination what are the side effects of abortion pills. The necessary after effects/ symptoms of medical abortion Stomach Cramps: The second pill in the abortion pill drug combination is administered to begin the process of fetal tissue removal and hence it initiates the contraction of the uterine lining. This eventuates in cramps in the lower stomach area. The cramps are similar to the menstrual period cramps and may last up to a few hours. Heavy Vaginal Bleeding: After taking Misoprostol, the body starts expelling pregnancy tissues from the body. Physicians advise not to use tampons during medical pregnancy termination as the bleeding is too heavy to soak and inserting anything in the vagina is like calling health risks. You can use pads or maxi pads for the process. During initial days, it may soak around 4 pads while it gets lighter as the process gets completed and stops eventually. These after-effects are expected to occur with every woman. Also, you must consult a doctor if you do not experience passing. What... View Article

5 things you must know about pelvic inflammatory disease

September 8, 2018 7:35 am Published by Leave your thoughts

As per a recent study on women healthcare, 1 million women in the world get affected by Pelvic inflammatory disease every year. PID, often a sexually transmitted disease is caused by an infection in the reproductive organs in women.  The lower abdomen including the cervix, fallopian tubes, the ovaries together is called the pelvic area in a female body. It is a bacterial infection that first enters the vagina and then goes further into the pelvis. The seriousness of the disease can be severe and fatal at times. We’ll learn more about it and what you must do to prevent it. The pelvic inflammatory disease can occur in women without an STI Women with gonorrhea or chlamydia complications can have more chances of encountering pelvic inflammatory disease. Women can develop this disease without an STI.  Here are the other reasons for PID: Sexual intercourse before 25 Sexual intercourse with different people Unprotected sexual intercourse Douching Vaginal discharge is one of the important symptoms of PID: There are some women who do not experience any symptom of the pelvic inflammatory disease, yet it gets detected with a medical test. The women who experience the symptoms can see the following body changes:... View Article

How should you search for safe abortion pills?

September 6, 2018 6:29 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The availability of abortion pills is different in every part of the world.  An unwanted pregnancy and medical abortion are a private concern for women which they do not usually wish to share with anyone. However, such situations are so delicate that you must seek help while dealing with termination of pregnancy. The increasing use internet has made it easier to access information about medical abortion without having to tell anyone about your unwanted pregnancy situation or the abortion decision. Google search engine is as simple as it seems with lots of additional benefits which you may not even know before. One should always make the best out of services that you are getting. Speaking of a subject like abortion, getting a help for abortion pills via the internet is a great option if you know what and how to look for in the Google search engine. If you are looking for online abortion pills: There are many online pharmacies which offer abortion pills. The purpose is to make safe abortion pills reachable to the needy women. MTP Kit online Abortion pills buy online Buy abortion pills online If you are looking for a specific medicine: Medical abortion is performed... View Article

Are You Eligible To Take Abortion Pills?

May 30, 2018 8:50 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The eligibility for undergoing a medical abortion varies depending on the user’s region, body type, age, gestation period, and medical condition. This is indicated with regard to health safety measures and the legalities in various regions. The eligibility for medical abortion is thus set to avoid all possible adverse events during the procedure. Following are the points that will help you learn the criteria for buying abortion pills. You’re pregnant: Many a time, women misinterpret a missed period or early pregnancy-like symptoms as a conception. The condition may be true, but you need to be formally assured that you have conceived. Never self-medicate and ingest abortion pills only because you feel you’re pregnant. Perform a pregnancy test and confirm your pregnancy. Abortion pills, by some women, are also wrongly used as birth control pills and this can have serious repercussions. Regular consumption of abortion pills lowers the chances of future pregnancies or creates complications in them. It’s always safer to buy Ovral pill online or other contraceptive methods to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. The gestation period is up to 8 weeks: Once you detect your unintended pregnancy, take a pregnancy termination decision at the earliest. Undergoing the necessary abortion medication... View Article