Categories for Women Health

How planc supports telehealth and online pharmacies

June 5, 2024 11:24 am Published by Leave your thoughts

How is Plan C Beneficial to Telehealth and Online Services During the Covid-19 pandemic many health care providers chose the route of telehealth. To overcome the obstacle of providing medical abortion care to women seeking abortion during this difficult time, access to telehealth abortion and buying pills from the online pharmacies made it easier for women to get the proper medical care. Access to medical abortion with pills has made it easy for women to practice safe abortion with appropriate medical care. With the emergence of telehealth and online abortion pill services, and how Plan C has promoted these, and made self-managed abortion at home common in the USA.  It has significantly helped enlighten people about medical abortion by providing accurate and helpful information about abortion, which can help women in choosing the best and safe abortion care practice.  Role of Plan C in helping Telehealth and Online Abortion Pills Service Plan C is a widely known non-profit organization that works in advocating people about medical abortion and helping them in accessing abortion in the USA by normalizing the use of abortion pills by mail.  Plan C conducts research globally on how people are accessing abortion pills in the USA,... View Article

What is Implantation Bleeding and Period Bleeding?

May 7, 2024 10:57 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Have you ever encountered light spotting in the early stages of pregnancy but don’t know what it means? Well, implantation bleeding is something very common and can cause confusion and concern for many women. Understand what implantation bleeding is, the symptoms and signs when to see a physician. What is implantation bleeding? When a fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus lining, it causes implantation bleeding. This is one of the early signs of pregnancy and occurs six to twelve days after conception. Unlike regular menstrual bleeding, implantation bleeding often lasts a shorter period and has a lighter flow. It could be light pink or dark brown. While bleeding when pregnant is an early sign of pregnancy, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor to rule out any other possibilities. Implantation bleeding occurs when the fertilized egg enters the uterine lining. During this process, some blood vessels are ruptured, which causes light bleeding. Not all women have implantation bleeding, and some don’t even notice it. However, for those who do, it can be an early sign of pregnancy. Symptoms of implantation bleeding Implantation bleeding can be identified by light spotting or first-trimester vaginal discharge that appears a few... View Article

Bleeding During and After Medical Abortion at 7 Weeks

July 24, 2023 7:41 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Anyone with an unplanned pregnancy can seek to end it with medicines. To do so, you have to understand how Mifepristone and Misoprostol Kit are, their effects, and their benefits. Most of us are, however, concerned about how long bleeding last after medical abortion. which is a common symptom. Because the bleeding helps to flush the pregnancy sections out of the uterus. So, what is it like if the pregnancy termination occurs at 7 weeks? What can you expect your period to be like thereafter? Know all about it in the following post. Taking the Abortion Pill (Mifepristone and Misoprostol) Firstly, buy Mifepristone and Misoprostol Kit, as both these medicines are crucial to vacate the womb. Now, how do you take the abortion pill? It is simple, and you can do it at home. Use Mifepristone 200mg orally with water on day 1. It is an anti-progesterone medication that separates the pregnancy portions from the uterine wall. Then after a day or two, you proceed with abortion pills Misoprostol 200mcg x 4 either buccally or vaginally as per your comfort to finally remove the pregnancy from the body. While you can perform the procedure with Misoprostol alone, it is best... View Article

Vitamin C Abortion And Risks

March 16, 2021 12:29 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

We all are aware of the fact that we all, including pregnant women, intake vitamin C in our diet regularly through various fruit items. There aren’t any studies stating that the consumption of vitamin C has particularly lead to sudden miscarriage. However, some women opt for natural abortion with the help of Vitamin C as abortion with the use of vitamin C is much easier than taking efforts to buy an abortion pill online and do a proper medical abortion. It is easy to take vitamin C continuously for several days to have an easy hustle-free abortion at home, as you can buy vitamin C supplements easily from anywhere. This may sound fascinating and easy but is not as reliable and proven as the use of abortion pills.  Some say that doing an abortion with the use of vitamin C is much easier than taking efforts to buy an abortion pill online and do a proper medical abortion. It is easy to take vitamin C continuously for several days to have an easy hustle-free abortion at home, as you can buy vitamin C supplements easily from anywhere. This may sound fascinating and easy but is not as reliable and proven... View Article

How To Lose Weight After Abortion?

January 2, 2020 12:39 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Your body meets change as you grow. As you conceive the body experiences numerous hormonal changes. The body gets ready for the fetus to develop and form into a healthy child. However, numerous conditions can lead to miscarriage or abortion. Abortion is the process of ending the pregnancy by removing the fetus or the developing embryo before it can survive competently by using online abortion pills. It is finished during the initial phase of pregnancy. As the body gets ready for the development of the baby, it stores foods, nourishments, and fats causing you to grow plump and healthy. There is a high possibility to put on weight after pregnancy termination. Weight loss and weight loss diets help to turn into a significant factor to get back fit and in shape. Few tips on weight loss after abortion: Ensure precise nutrition: Choose a balanced diet that contributes to all-round health. Follow a diet that is rich in vitamins, healthy carbohydrates, iron, proteins, etc. women who tend to gain weight post-abortion should know to tackle this. The women who fail to follow the diet are a big no-no as malnutrition hampers the normal functions of the metabolic and digestive systems that... View Article

Is White Discharge After Abortion Normal?

December 31, 2019 12:18 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Yes, white discharge after abortion is normal. All women experience some vaginal discharge. Normal vaginal discharge is basically cloudy and clear white in color, however, sometimes yellowish when it gets dry on clothes. Normal vaginal discharge can contain some white flecks but it can also be sticky and thin with no aggressive odor. The smell, amount, thickness or transparency of the vaginal secretion can vary depending upon many physiological factors, for example, sexual arousal, ovulation, emotional stress, pregnancy, abortion, etc. Let’s understand what is vaginal discharge and how the bleeding and discharge are linked with the period after abortion. Normally the glands in your cervix and vagina produce a small number of fluids that pass out of your body every day, along with the old cells. Your normal discharge helps you to clean the vagina and keep it lubricated and away from infection and other germs. A normal vaginal discharge does not have a foul smell and no odor at all it is clear. However, during your menstrual days, the red discharge is observed due to hemoglobin and after 3-5 days it may stop. During your medical abortion with online pills, you may experience heavy vaginal bleeding which may stay... View Article

Reasons to use abortion pills

September 25, 2019 1:43 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There are several reasons why one should choose abortion pills to end an unwanted pregnancy. If the gestation of your pregnancy is less than 63 days and the pregnancy is normal, abortion medicines are undoubtedly an effective way of ending an unwanted pregnancy. Medical abortion is a simple procedure. To stop the pregnancy, the woman has to take a combination of abortion pills. In combination, Mifepristone or Mifeprex pills are the options for anti-progesterone drugs. The medicine stops the pregnancy development. Cytolog and Misoprostol pills are the options for prostaglandin drugs. Four tablets of either drug help remove pregnancy tissues from the body. MTP kit is another alternative for abortion drug combination which consists of the needed drug combination. This blog helps you understand the benefits of abortion pills, and why should you consider them for ending your unwanted early pregnancy. They are effective: If you know the correct source of medications and the right method of using Mifepristone and Misoprostol, pregnancy termination pills are undoubtedly effective enough to end an unwanted pregnancy successfully. They are available online: With so many online pharmacies coming up to help women access the medication of abortion, it is become easier to get it... View Article

How effective is Mifeprex and Cytolog combination?

August 8, 2019 11:59 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Mifeprex and Cytolog is an abortion drug combination which contributes to a successful pregnancy termination procedure. For an unwanted (normal ) pregnancy within 63 days of gestation, one can rely on Mifeprex and Cytolog combination. To leverage the utmost efficacy of abortion pills, the user should strictly follow the instruction given by her healthcare provider. The user should neither compromise with the precautions guided during the medical abortion process. This blog explains the effectiveness of Mifeprex and Cytolog abortion pills. Where to buy the abortion pill: Abortion pills are easily available in local pharmacy stores. There are many e-pharmacies too. The way you can get Mifeprex pills here, you can also buy cytolog abortion pill online. You can order Misoprostol online as an alternative for Cytolog. Both pills have similar efficacy on an unwanted pregnancy of up to 63 days. The consumption of Mifeprex and Cytolog: Both abortion pills have different ways of administering. While one pill of Mifeprex is expected to be taken orally with water, the consumption of Cytolog pills involves 4 medicines. Cytolog can be taken buccally or vaginally depending on your comfort and choice. You should speak to your healthcare provider to better understand the consumption... View Article

The period after abortion: What to expect and when do period start

July 23, 2019 12:45 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

A slight delay in the menstruation and it puts us in a panic situation. If it is after a delicate medical abortion procedure, tension can rise unnecessarily. Because of medical termination of pregnancy does not disturb your regular menstrual cycle. There are many women healthcare websites which can help you understand the procedure in detail. When you take abortion pills, none of the components are going to have a long term impact on your body. This also means that the medication will not affect your menstruation. This blog explains when you can expect your first period after medical abortion. Myths about menstruation & Medical abortion: When you undergo the medical abortion procedure, part of the process involves belly cramps and vaginal bleeding. A lot of women misunderstand the bleeding during the process with their first menstruation after abortion. However, when you bleed during the medical pregnancy termination procedure, it is your body removing the pregnancy tissues from the body. The first pill stops the growth of the pregnancy and the second medicine ejects fetal tissues through the vaginal bleeding. Both cases may appear to be similar, however, your menstruation is not heavy as you bleed in during the medical abortion... View Article

Breast changes during pregnancy: By Trimester

July 18, 2019 9:47 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Although pregnancy appears to be more about a baby growing inside your body, almost your entire body reacts to the pregnancy news. Changes in the breasts and nipples are no exception. You can monitor the changes taking place in your breasts and nipple as trimester pass by. You can learn more about women reproductive healthcare and understand if there are any odd changes taking place. First Trimester: Women often experience breast changes during their early pregnancy. Healthcare experts suggest the changes in the breast is one of the early signs of pregnancy. Hormonal changes in the body change the structure of the breast, especially the nipples. Your breasts may grow a little bigger than before. You may have to buy new bras since the old ones may not fit. Also, you should avoid using wired bra during pregnancy. The breasts happen to be sensitive and tender for around 3-4 weeks. Since this is one of the first signs of pregnancy, you get time to decide if you wish to continue the pregnancy or end it and plan later. If the latter is the case, you can buy abortion pills and end the pregnancy at home. You only have to ensure... View Article