November 28, 2018 10:05 am
Published by Marcella
In a recent survey, it was found that the number of abortion has increased the level of pregnancy termination in the young people between 20-30 age group. Today’s young women have their priorities set before them. Be it education, career, getting mentally ready for a family or any other bodily concerns, they are more inclined towards avoiding pregnancies, especially in the early twenties. There’s a misunderstanding in the societies that today’s young generation chooses abortion over any other thing. That’s not utterly true. The use of condoms and other contraception methods have also reportedly increased in the past decade. Failure of contraception and uneventful unprotected sexual intercourse are most often found the reasons behind unwanted pregnancies. In such scenarios, the aforementioned priorities discussed make today’s woman end their pregnancy with different methods of abortion. Most women choose to buy the pill for abortion instead of going for a surgical one. Young women who are at the start of their career cannot afford the big fees of abortion surgeries and hence they switch to medical one. Although medical pregnancy termination allows women to end their pregnancy before 10 weeks of gestation, it is more popular in women as experts suggest it... View Article
November 16, 2018 12:03 pm
Published by Marcella
In the whole abortion process, post-abortion stress is seldom addressed in abortion issues. Prevention is better than cure! And hence, it is advised that you think from all perspective before taking the pregnancy termination decision. This blog explains how one should post-abortion support from the closed pals and how one should be self-motivated for the faster recovery from the pregnancy termination procedure. However, before we learn the fast recovery tips, you must know what is post-abortion stress and how do women today deal with such situations. What is post-abortion stress? The feeling of guiltiness after an abortion process is the most common form! The sad, anger and nervousness about the procedure is also called the stress after an abortion. Some women do not think enough before taking a decision about abortion and end up losing their future baby. They identify the situation after the procedure is complete and the loss has incurred. Being quiet and not understanding what exactly happened to you is also a kind of stress that is experienced by most women. You become numb and thinking of your surroundings. What are the symptoms of post-abortion stress? Sorrow Guilt Being numb Depression Shame Struggle with intimacy Anxiety Self-destruction... View Article
November 12, 2018 12:43 pm
Published by Marcella
An ultrasound test or in other words, sonography is a medical test wherein you can easily capture live images from the inside of your body through its high-frequency sound waves. There are symptoms of pregnancy termination, but a pregnancy test is something doctors and medical experts always recommend. We’ll see the role of ultrasound test in a medical abortion procedure through this blog. When you buy abortion pills from an online or local stores Mifepristone, Generic RU 486 and Mifeprex are the options you are provided with for antiprogesterone medicines. Misoprostol and Cytolog are the pills available for prostaglandin medicines. Both these types make hormonal changes in a woman’s body to stop the pregnancy development and empty the uterus. Bleeding is an important symptom of pregnancy termination but it should not be contemplated as the confirmation of abortion status. To confirm the efficacy of the medicines of abortion, you must perform a pregnancy test. Ultrasound being one of the accurate results giving the method, you can consider negative pregnancy results in a sonography as the confirmation of pregnancy termination. An ultrasound test also helps you make aware of the complications involved in the procedure. Many women even perform a test... View Article
November 5, 2018 12:32 pm
Published by Marcella
Mifepristone and Misoprostol are two FDA approved pills which safely terminate an unwanted pregnancy. However, this does not mean that any woman who’s taking an abortion can buy these tablets and terminate the pregnancy. One must make sure that one is eligible for the procedure. For this, a physician or a health care provider is always a reliable person to make the decision. Here are the 5 reasons why you should be taking abortion tablets through prescription. Safe option: Every body type is different. Consequently, the reaction for medicines is different for every woman. Taking abortion pill from a physician will guide you to the right kind of medication that will suit your body type. Most times, healthcare providers prescribe Mifepristone which is an anti-progesterone pill along with Misoprostol which is a prostaglandin pill. Keeps you away from risks: Your body is better known to your physician. If you have any contradictions for the abortion pills elements, he/she can give you other medication which will help solve the problem or tell you to pause the other medication which is causing contradiction to your unplanned pregnancy pill. Understand the procedure: When you take prescribed abortion tablets, your physician is likely to... View Article
November 1, 2018 7:51 am
Published by Marcella
Dealing with an unexpected pregnancy is more of an emotional issue than that of the physical one. With constant research and development in the women healthcare sector, there new ways to deal with the problem. Women often turn to abortion whenever coming across an unwanted pregnancy situation. However, it is advised not to jump on any conclusion after learning about your pregnancy. Understand the signs of pregnancy. Before anything else, you must confirm your pregnancy with a home pregnancy test or visit a clinic to get the confirmation. This blog explains the ways to deal with an unexpected pregnancy situation. Breathe! That’s right! Usually, when women hear the news about their uneventful pregnancy, they tend to get panic and depressed. When you come to know about pregnancy, breathe in. Relax. It can be understood that an unexpected pregnancy is not a happy moment for a woman but overthinking and panicking is not something that can help you deal with the pregnancy. Speak to your partner: Perhaps, the first thing that you can do is to speak to your partner. People usually point at the female partner in any unexpected pregnancy situation where both are the male and female partner are... View Article