Categories for Pregnancy
May 7, 2024 10:57 am
Published by Marcella
Have you ever encountered light spotting in the early stages of pregnancy but don’t know what it means? Well, implantation bleeding is something very common and can cause confusion and concern for many women. Understand what implantation bleeding is, the symptoms and signs when to see a physician. What is implantation bleeding? When a fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus lining, it causes implantation bleeding. This is one of the early signs of pregnancy and occurs six to twelve days after conception. Unlike regular menstrual bleeding, implantation bleeding often lasts a shorter period and has a lighter flow. It could be light pink or dark brown. While bleeding when pregnant is an early sign of pregnancy, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor to rule out any other possibilities. Implantation bleeding occurs when the fertilized egg enters the uterine lining. During this process, some blood vessels are ruptured, which causes light bleeding. Not all women have implantation bleeding, and some don’t even notice it. However, for those who do, it can be an early sign of pregnancy. Symptoms of implantation bleeding Implantation bleeding can be identified by light spotting or first-trimester vaginal discharge that appears a few... View Article
April 2, 2021 8:42 am
Published by Marcella
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy you are not alone. This can happen to women of all ages and stages in their life. About half the women in the USA witness unplanned pregnancy in their life. While it still can be a surprise for many and a shock for the most. It is ok to feel scared and confused about it. Pregnancy is something that can affect your entire life ahead. You should know and understand all your options while you are trying to make a decision. In this blog, we will discuss what can be your unplanned pregnancy options while facing such a situation and how to deal with it. What can be your options? An unexpected pregnancy can catch you off-guard. You may feel like you don’t have many options and it’s just going to wipe off all your life plans. You may feel lost and scared and have no idea where to start let alone where you are going. But there are options available to select from what is good for your life. Below we discuss a few things you should know and have an idea about. What is Abortion: Abortion is a termination of pregnancy.... View Article
March 19, 2021 8:42 pm
Published by Marcella
When women choose to become a mother it is the best feeling in the world. After all, it is planned and both are ready to become parents and carry forward the responsibilities. However, this is not the situation in every case. Sometimes women have an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy and they may not wish to continue with the pregnancy and take the responsibilities. So in such cases what are the alternatives? These are thoughts of many women who deal with such situations so concerning this issue we have pointed out a few suggestions for women so that it can be easier for them to make a decision and move forward. The first option that can be opted if the unplanned or unwanted pregnancy is not more than 8 weeks is Medical abortion with MTP Kit. However, If your pregnancy has crossed more than 8 to 10 weeks then you need to go for surgical abortion. Some women believe that pregnancy termination is the best option when they don’t want to become parents. As earlier abortion was a complex topic and people had a strong misconception about it. But now it has become easier with the help of abortion pills. We... View Article
January 5, 2021 11:51 am
Published by Marcella
Doubtlessly you won’t get pregnant having intercourse while on your period. As your ovulation time is a few days away diminishing any odds of getting pregnant during this time. However, there are special cases. This applies to ladies who have a normal 28 to a month or longer cycle. If you have a more limited cycle, say every 21 to 24 days, that implies you are ovulating prior to the cycle. Since sperm can live inside you for as long as 5 days, you could have intercourse towards the end of your period and then conceive 4 or after 5 days with your initial ovulation. To verify, reasonable, early detection pregnancy and ovulation tests can be done online from our medical expert. The possibilities of getting pregnant during your menstrual cycle are less, yet the potential outcomes are there. This isn’t an ideal opportunity to have intercourse if you are attempting to get pregnant. Would you be able to Get Pregnant while on your period? You are shifting into your fertility window, so indeed, you can get pregnant just after your menstruation. On an ordinary cycle that happens each 28 to 30 days, the fertility window is normal between Day... View Article
March 26, 2020 1:57 pm
Published by Marcella
The coronavirus outbreak is affecting an enormous number of people globally. It has not spared anyone, and pregnant women seem to be at a higher risk in such a medically devastated environment. This blog helps you understand how the coronavirus can impact your health as a pregnant woman. Though the coronavirus pandemic is new to the world, the disease had been there for quite long. Two decades ago, such SARS had spread in the US and another couple of countries where ten pregnant women had become victims of this virus. Back then, three women had to face the fatal consequences of this viral disease. It was also observed that some of the women had to face premature birth during the issue. When you get diagnosed with a severe viral disease like corona, the extreme cases witness respiratory failure. If it takes place with you during the pregnancy, healthcare providers suggest C-section of the pregnancy be done. If the mother who is infected with coronavirus does not take enough precautions, it can spread it to the infant. Since the immunity system of such babies is usually low, there are chances of severe health concerns. The positive side: Corona virus does not... View Article
March 23, 2020 2:53 pm
Published by Marcella
Stomach and Digestive problems are normal during pregnancy. You may experience more about constipation and morning sickness, but less about diarrhea. However, it can not get as much consideration, diarrhea is another gastrointestinal problem that pregnant women can face. Some women admit diarrhea as an early sign and symptom of pregnancy. It is true that hormone changes around the time of conception can source to stomach problems and even diarrhea during pregnancy. However, fatigue, breast tenderness, and nausea are much more common signs of early pregnancy. Also, on the current updates with Coronavirus spreading speedily it has found out that Diarrhea is a key symptom in COVID-19 Patients. Causes of Diarrhea: Diarrhea throughout the pregnancy can result from hormone to changes in your intake to a stomach virus. You can also experience diarrhea due to the following things; Body Changes: During the pregnancy period, you will experience changes in your body as well as your hormone. These can badly affect your digestive tract and stomach leading to diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea. Diet: Pregnancy might stimulate you to eat healthier. Sometimes a sudden variation to more nutritious, fiber-rich foods can source to a change in bowel movements, too. Give your... View Article
November 4, 2019 12:01 pm
Published by Marcella
Getting pregnant when you are mentally and physically ready is the best thing for a woman. A woman can easily buy abortion pills online and end an unwanted pregnancy. However, that’s not how you plan your family. For a woman to know when she can possibly get pregnant, she needs to understand her menstrual cycle and ovulation period. This blog helps you understand the time from menstrual period till the time of ovulation. Understanding the menstrual cycle: When you menstruate, your body prepares you to conceive the next time you have sexual intercourse. Knowing the menstrual cycle is as important as understanding fertility. Not only does it help plan pregnancy, but it also warns you if there’s any health concern related to the reproductive system. The following points help you understand each phase of menstruation and the menstrual cycle. Day 1-5 ( Menstruation) It is the first day when your bleeding starts. As per the experts, it is the first day of the menstrual cycle. You bleed for the next 5days, and that is known to be menstruation. Some women bleed for 3-7 days on odd days. However, 5 days is common. The bleeding pattern is different throughout the 5... View Article
October 11, 2019 1:33 pm
Published by Marcella
Planned sexual activity is more likely to be protected and safe. However, when you have sexual intercourse in the fling of the moment, couples often forget to use protection. It eventually results in an unplanned pregnancy. Though you may think that it is too late to do anything, you can control the situation by ending your early pregnancy. Hence, if you have a troublesome pregnancy, do not worry! An unplanned pregnancy is not the end of the world. There are ample of solutions which help you safely end the pregnancy. What are the options? Surgical pregnancy termination: Surgical termination of pregnancy is suitable for second-trimester pregnancies. Doctors typically suggest surgery for pregnancies more than 12 weeks gestation. What you should know: It works on up to 21-week pregnancies. Surgical abortion is also safe for ectopic pregnancy. The surgery takes only a few hours to complete. Medical pregnancy termination: Medical termination of pregnancy is generally suggested for pregnancies up to 9 weeks. Also, women have to take a sonography test to ensure that the pregnancy is not ectopic. Before the pregnancy tissues are taken out, its development is stopped by an anti-progesterone medicine. For this, you can consider taking (1) Mifepristone,... View Article
October 2, 2019 10:28 am
Published by Marcella
Girls get a sense of being an ‘adult’ as soon as they come in the teenage phase. Although physical attraction for other gender and hormonal changes taking place in the body is quite common, unprotected sexual intercourse and pregnancy is a significant concern in teenagers today. Medical abortion indeed helps to end an unwanted and early pregnancy through buying abortion pills online. However, pregnancy prevention methods are essential, especially among teenagers. Today’s system lacks the required attention needed to talk about pregnancy prevention in teenagers. Sexual abstinence: It is one of the safest ways of preventing teens from pregnancy. Parents take a crucial role in helping kids understand that pregnancy at this young age could be a bad idea. It is vital that you discuss with your kids freely about things such as sexual intercourse and pregnancy. Educating about contraceptive methods: Though teenagers today are aware of the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy or raising a child at a very young age, sexual abstinence cannot always be attained among them. Hence, teenage pregnancy should have a better solution. Schools and high schools should have sessions for teenagers which would educate them about sexual intercourse and right ways of pregnancy prevention.... View Article
April 25, 2019 10:24 am
Published by Marcella
If you have conceived recently with learned it through a home pregnancy test, you should confirm your pregnancy status by visiting a gynecologist or a clinic. With this, your doctor may ask you to have multiple tests to understand and evaluate your health for further pregnancy care. Take regular follow-ups: Know your gestation of pregnancy. If it is within 9 weeks, any medical abortion decision you wish to take, you should take it at the earliest before it’s too late. If you wish to continue the pregnancy, you can take follow sessions for the same and begin your preparations for your pregnancy care activities. In the first few visits of your pregnancy, your gynecologist typically conducts pelvic exam which is then followed by other tests and guidance visits. Do not stay confused and ask questions if you have any. Collect information: Here’s one small tip before you visit your gynecologist: Collect every small change you experience within your body, your feelings, thoughts, and emotions. This will help your doctor assess your stage and guide you accordingly. The Pregnancy Diet: Food and diet are one of the most important parts of pregnancy care activities. Know what foods and beverages you should... View Article