
Are You Eligible To Take Abortion Pills?

May 30, 2018 8:50 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The eligibility for undergoing a medical abortion varies depending on the user’s region, body type, age, gestation period, and medical condition. This is indicated with regard to health safety measures and the legalities in various regions. The eligibility for medical abortion is thus set to avoid all possible adverse events during the procedure. Following are the points that will help you learn the criteria for buying abortion pills. You’re pregnant: Many a time, women misinterpret a missed period or early pregnancy-like symptoms as a conception. The condition may be true, but you need to be formally assured that you have conceived. Never self-medicate and ingest abortion pills only because you feel you’re pregnant. Perform a pregnancy test and confirm your pregnancy. Abortion pills, by some women, are also wrongly used as birth control pills and this can have serious repercussions. Regular consumption of abortion pills lowers the chances of future pregnancies or creates complications in them. It’s always safer to buy Ovral pill online or other contraceptive methods to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. The gestation period is up to 8 weeks: Once you detect your unintended pregnancy, take a pregnancy termination decision at the earliest. Undergoing the necessary abortion medication... View Article

How should you take Misoprostol Vaginally?

May 25, 2018 11:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Misoprostol is a medicine that contributes to terminating an unwanted pregnancy. Women can easily find this abortion pill online. The pill has two methods of administration while we’ll see the vaginal method on this blog. When you buy MTP kit online or from a nearby store, you receive Misoprostol along with the other pill Mifepristone. Misoprostol has to be administered 24 hours after the Mifepristone intake. The pill has a prostaglandin element which causes contraction of the uterine lining. It eventually leads to heavy vaginal bleeding which lasts up to 4-10 days depending on the gestation period and the body type. As stated before, Misoprostol has two methods of administering it: Buccally Vaginally We’ll see how the pill has to be taken vaginally: Wash your hands properly and get into a comfortable position with which you can insert the pills into your vagina, You may squat, lie down or stand on one leg while the other one laying on a table. Carefully place the 4 misoprostol pills into your vagina, one at a time. You may place 2 pills on each side. Once you place it as instructed, push it with the index finger in a way that the pills... View Article

What Are The Causes Of An Infertility?

May 22, 2018 8:59 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When a couple tries for conception, in perfectly fine situations and conditions, they can expect pregnancy within 12 months. A few percentages do not conceive within 12 months even after trying their best. The observation led to the term Infertility, a condition in which couples cannot expect normal child even after trying for a year, they require medical attention or other ways through which they expect a child.   Many a time, people connect infertility problems with medical abortions which is incorrect if truth to be told. When you buy abortion pills to terminate the unwanted pregnancy, the side effects that take place are only temporary in nature and do not affect your future pregnancies. An abortion kit is safe to use and it easily terminates your unwanted pregnancy. If medical abortion does not cause infertility then what does? Maternal Age: Female age-related fertility complications are commonly found in today’s world where women prioritize their child plans after the 30s or 40s. As a woman’s age crosses 35, the number and the quality of eggs rapidly decreases. She hardly remains fertile after the age of 45 i.e. a typical age of menopause. The only way she can expect conceiving is... View Article

Learning the difference between symptoms and side effects of a medical abortion

May 15, 2018 7:19 am Published by Leave your thoughts

There are many misconceptions among people regarding the side effects of medical abortion. If the after effects were to be divided into two categories, the first group could be heavy bleeding and cramping that are experienced by every woman undergoing a medical abortion. The second group would include all the remaining side effects of pregnancy termination. Following points shed light on the topic while elaborating the after effects further. The abortion process: Medical abortion is a noninvasive method of ending an early pregnancy. When you buy abortion pills, the combination of Mifepristone & Misoprostol Kit tablets helps terminate the unwanted pregnancy.  Mifepristone is an anti-progesterone tablet which stops the growth of the pregnancy. Its intake has to be oral with water. The second pill Misoprostol is a prostaglandin pill which causes uterine contractions and empties the uterus eventually removing the pregnancy contents from the body. One has to take 4 pills of misoprostol through vaginally or buccally. Experiences after taking abortion pills: Though Mifepristone plays a major role in ending an unplanned pregnancy, a woman does not see any major visible difference in her body post taking the first medicine. The second pill, however, results in heavy bleeding. Heavy bleeding... View Article

What All You Need to Know About Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?

May 8, 2018 9:43 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is growing to be an increasingly common disorder in women affecting their fertility adversely. It is, in fact, the most common cause of infertility. This makes it essential for every woman to know about it for a timely diagnosis and treatment. What is PCOS? It is a disorder of the female reproductive system caused due to hormonal imbalances. The functioning of the female reproductive anatomy is strictly regulated by hormones. The level and type of hormones secreted dictate the regularity and effectiveness of the menstrual cycle. This involves the governance of processes like ovulation, fertilization, implantation, etc. The hormones that coordinate for the regulatory steps also include androgens that are often misbelieved to solely be male hormones. Androgens play a key role in the hormonal cascade that leads to hair growth in public regions and underarms when puberty hits in both, males, and females. Females with PCOS produce a higher-than-normal level of these and the release of eggs from the ovary is thus prevented. The kind of fertility so caused is, hence, also referred to as anovulatory infertility. Because there is no ovulation, the many ovarian follicles continue to mature and are accumulated over the time,... View Article

How can you confirm a successful abortion?

May 4, 2018 6:51 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Pregnancy termination confirmation cannot be done solely on the basis of symptoms. To confirm the efficacy of abortion tablets, a woman has to perform a pregnancy test through any suitable method. The test is expected to be performed after 10-15 days once the abortion process is completed. The pregnancy contents take time to be expelled from a woman’s body and hence it is advised not to examine the results before the said period. Ensure that your gestation period is up to 8 weeks if you wish to end an unwanted and unintended pregnancy. Understanding the abortion process. When does it get complete? Abortion pills arrive in a combination of two medications (1) Mifepristone and (2) Misoprostol. As per the instructions are given, you should take the first pill (200mg) the day it arrives. It stops the growth of the pregnancy by working against the Progesterone (which cause pregnancy growth) hormones in the body. They help detach the fetus from the uterine lining. A woman may not feel any major change in her body, however, this is one of the important stages in the process of abortion. The second medicine i.e. Misoprostol (200 mcg) is required to be taken post 24... View Article