How Much Can An Abortion Cost? Know The Fact

December 5, 2018 10:11 am Published by Leave your thoughts

abortion-at-low-costThe cost of pregnancy termination can vary depending on different factors. Typically, the cost of an abortion ranges from $50 to $1000+ as per your region, method and other factors. The cost may depend on the factors such as your health insurance, your income, where you live, the abortion method, the gestation of your pregnancy:

How much does a surgical abortion cost?

A surgical abortion can usually cost between $900 & above depending on the quality of services and clinic you choose for your pregnancy termination.

Is there any other cost included in surgical abortion?

If your region does not have any trusted clinic which can safely end the unwanted pregnancy, you may have to travel to get the abortion done. This may add up more expense to your budget, making the surgical abortion costlier.

How much does a medical abortion cost?

A medical abortion using safe abortion pills do not cost more than $300. The price of abortion pills ranges from $100 to $500 which is affordable and comparatively low-cost than the cost of a surgical abortion.

When you buy abortion pills, 1 pill of anti-progesterone medicine and 4 pills of prostaglandin pills are enough to safely end an unwanted pregnancy. Speak to your healthcare provider for any other precautionary medicine if required.

Is there any other expense in the medical abortion procedure.

Unlike you find in the surgical abortion cases that require you to move to a clinic to induce pregnancy termination, medical abortion does not include travel cost. You can easily find abortion pill at low cost if you search abortion pill online.

The process of medical abortion is painful if compared to surgical abortion. However, if you do not wish to experience the pain and still end the pregnancy at a low cost, you can consider buying an mtp kit online.

The mtp kit contains other secondary medicines which look after the painful side effects of medical pregnancy termination. The cost for this pill is a bit higher than the MTP kit and other standard abortion pills alone. However, it is still lesser than the cost of surgical abortion and hence a better option in the two.

Which abortion pills are at low cost?

You may find low-cost abortion medicines at various pharmacies, however, you must ensure that the medicines you are taking are safe for your health and reproductive health. Mifepristone and Misoprostol are the standard abortion pills approved by the Food and Drug Administration. It is advised that you consult your doctor and administer them for safe medical abortion.

Some of the websites offer discounts during the end of the year. If you happen to get pregnant and wish to abort the pregnancy at a low cost, you can search for pharmacies with a discount period on. Online Abortion Pill Rx is one such website where you can get a special offer on abortion pill up to 15% off on other payment options.

Whichever method you select for your pregnancy termination, you must prioritize your safety over financial concerns.

Tags: Abortion Pill Online, special offer

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This post was written by Marcella

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