Categories for medical abortion

Why gestational length is important during medical abortion?

December 31, 2018 7:03 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When you confirm your pregnancy and take the decision of pregnancy termination, the length of your gestation becomes a crucial factor in deciding the method of abortion. Got a medical addition, you may come across some of the global abortion medication provider and online pharmacies. However, gestational length is a barrier to entry for the medical termination of pregnancy. To ensure that when you buy abortion pills online to end the pregnancy, the efficacy of medication is not questioned. Because this largely depends on the length of your pregnancy gestation. The first question that arises here is the meaning of gestation in the medical abortion process. Gestation is the length of pregnancy. It tells you how many weeks you’re into your pregnancy. How to calculate your pregnancy gestational length? To calculate the gestational length, you must know your last menstrual period. There are many ways through which you can calculate the development of your pregnancy, however, calculating your gestation on the basis of menstruation date is basic of them all. Once you know the menstrual period date, you can count the gestation from the first date of your last date. Why is gestational length important? To successfully end an unwanted... View Article

Mifepristone with Misoprostol or Misoprostol only?

December 21, 2018 10:40 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The debate has long been acquainted with whether Mifepristone with Misoprostol is effective or just Misoprostol. While women tend to buy abortion pills, Mifepristone along with Misoprostol are the general category drug that they choose for. The cost of a pill also comes to account when choosing to have a medical abortion. Consequently, the comparison between the two pills has a dominant role in the termination of pregnancy. Which one of them has a key aspect? The two medications used for abortion namely mifepristone together with misoprostol or MTP kit has varied effects. The ensuing drugs have a distinct impact on medical abortion in the overall abortion process. As such both the drugs can be sold under different brand names at different places around the globe. Therefore, it would largely be invalid to term one of them as a key portion for the abortion process. Rather, it should be a combination of both on account of accessibility and the pregnancy period. The process to use them: The pills are used safely during the first 9 weeks/63 days of a pregnancy period. One way or the other, mifepristone can be used with a combination of misoprostol, or at a time only... View Article

Causes of Abortion

December 18, 2018 1:26 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Abortion is described as the removal of an early pregnancy remains, tissue and several products of fetus and placenta from the uterus of a woman. The terms, fetus, and placenta are subsequently used in the cases of eight weeks of pregnancy, as the process is largely adapted within this period. Subsequently, pregnancy tissue and products of conception refer to cells and tissues produced solely by the union of egg and sperm before a span of eight weeks. Women in certain nations receive free access to pregnancy termination information and buy abortion pill online i.e mtp kit from online at low cost or buy from pharmacy store near you. Abortion is dominantly used for ending unplanned pregnancy period. Women go forward to the process and pill pack, to end the gestation. Unplanned pregnancies happen when a birth control process is not used or at times fails to give results. Around one and half of abortions are put forward direct during the subsequent 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy period. Among this, largely 90 percent of cases surround the 12 weeks of pregnancy cases. Mifepristone and Misoprostol are the imperative pills which tackle early pregnancy and described as mostly used abortion pills by... View Article

How Much Can An Abortion Cost? Know The Fact

December 5, 2018 10:11 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The cost of pregnancy termination can vary depending on different factors. Typically, the cost of an abortion ranges from $50 to $1000+ as per your region, method and other factors. The cost may depend on the factors such as your health insurance, your income, where you live, the abortion method, the gestation of your pregnancy: How much does a surgical abortion cost? A surgical abortion can usually cost between $900 & above depending on the quality of services and clinic you choose for your pregnancy termination. Is there any other cost included in surgical abortion? If your region does not have any trusted clinic which can safely end the unwanted pregnancy, you may have to travel to get the abortion done. This may add up more expense to your budget, making the surgical abortion costlier. How much does a medical abortion cost? A medical abortion using safe abortion pills do not cost more than $300. The price of abortion pills ranges from $100 to $500 which is affordable and comparatively low-cost than the cost of a surgical abortion. When you buy abortion pills, 1 pill of anti-progesterone medicine and 4 pills of prostaglandin pills are enough to safely end an... View Article

How many times can a woman have a medical abortion?

September 17, 2018 10:52 am Published by Leave your thoughts

It is not abnormal to have multiple medical abortions, however, there are some restrictions for the same. One should not have consecutive two medical abortions in a year. The constant hormonal changes in the body can put pressure on the uterine lining and make it vulnerable. To know if a woman can have multiple abortions, she should understand what actually happens in the medical pregnancy termination procedure. Medical abortion is terminating an unwanted pregnancy (up to 8-10 weeks) through abortion pills. When you buy abortion pills online, Mifepristone and Misoprostol are considered to be some of the best medicines for abortion. Mifepristone, the anti-progesterone medicine is advised to take for stopping the maturation of pregnancy. One tablet of Mifepristone with a glass of water is enough to deal with the pregnancy growth up to 8 weeks. The second medicine, Misoprostol is a prostaglandin pill which physicians advise to take for removing pregnancy tissues from the body. Four tablets of Misoprostol are adequate for passing pregnancy contents (pregnancy up to 8 weeks of gestation) There are two methods for administering Misoprostol pills. Vaginal insertion and buccal method. Both the methods are effective enough to initiate the fetus removal process. Is there... View Article

What are the common side effects of medical abortion?

September 12, 2018 5:55 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Women misinterpret the symptoms of medical abortion with the side effects of abortion pills. There a difference between the two. We’ll understand what constitutes to the symptoms of pregnancy termination what are the side effects of abortion pills. The necessary after effects/ symptoms of medical abortion Stomach Cramps: The second pill in the abortion pill drug combination is administered to begin the process of fetal tissue removal and hence it initiates the contraction of the uterine lining. This eventuates in cramps in the lower stomach area. The cramps are similar to the menstrual period cramps and may last up to a few hours. Heavy Vaginal Bleeding: After taking Misoprostol, the body starts expelling pregnancy tissues from the body. Physicians advise not to use tampons during medical pregnancy termination as the bleeding is too heavy to soak and inserting anything in the vagina is like calling health risks. You can use pads or maxi pads for the process. During initial days, it may soak around 4 pads while it gets lighter as the process gets completed and stops eventually. These after-effects are expected to occur with every woman. Also, you must consult a doctor if you do not experience passing. What... View Article

How should you take Mifeprex 200 mg during medical abortion?

August 24, 2018 7:11 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Mifeprex is one of the important contributors to the medical abortion drug combination. There are a lot of women around the world who buy Mifeprex online or from the local stores along with the other prostaglandin pill. Women must understand how the pill is administered. The user must follow the instructions properly in order to get safe and result assured abortion with Mifeprex pill at low cost. Are there any other counterparts for Mifeprex? Yes, It does have some counterparts. You can get Generic RU486 or Mifepristone abortion pill as an alternate option for Mifeprex. Three of them work effectively and help in ending the unwanted pregnancy. How should you administer Mifeprex? Unlike the case in Misoprostol which gives you two methods of consuming the pill, Mifeprex has only one method of administering it. Oral. You must take Mifeprex orally with water. Physicians typically advise 200 mg of Mifeprex tablet to end a pregnancy of 8-10 weeks of gestation. How does it work? Mifeprex contains anti-progesterone constituents. It works against progesterone hormone and stops the growth of the pregnancy. What are the after effects of Mifeprex? There are not any immediate after-effects of Mifeprex. However, some women may experience slight... View Article

Changes in your menstrual cycle after abortion

August 16, 2018 12:34 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When you buy abortion pills from local stores or an online pharmacy store, you receive a drug combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol. The combination works to expel the pregnancy tissues from the body which occurs through vaginal bleeding. The process of terminating an unwanted pregnancy can take up a week or more to complete while it can take up to 14-15 days to confirm the efficacy of abortion pills. Your body resumes to the regular life. The efficacy of abortion pills is highest if you performed the medical abortion well and as instructed. The regularity of menstrual periods after a medical abortion depends on the menstrual cycle before undergoing pregnancy termination process. You must understand your body well and see a doctor whenever necessary. Bleeding during the abortion process and menstrual bleeding: There remains a huge misconception in women regarding the bleeding during the process and after the process. A woman bleeding immediately after the consumption of Misoprostol is different than the normal menstrual periods. What do you expect in the after effects? After taking Misoprostol, as a result of the uterine contractions, you begin bleeding within 24 hours. This is typically heavier than the normal periods. Hence, physicians usually... View Article

Lower back pain and pelvic pain during pregnancy

August 13, 2018 1:14 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Complications are mandatory when pregnancy comes around. Women tend to have a decrease in mobility as well as stability when they are expecting to conceive. Moreover, it puts an additional stress on the lower back which becomes a serious concern in course of nine months. Such abdomen pain can also occur in you end an unwanted pregnancy using online abortion pill or pills bought from the local store. Lower back pain is quite common during pregnancy. What causes such a process is questionable. Some unusual reasons are stated below which can help determine the confusions. Expansion of the Uterus: The enlargement of the uterus is common during pregnancy. Consequently, it puts a lot of stress on the abdominal muscles which affect postural and structural movements. Often the abdomen is also weakened due to the stress of the enlarged uterus. All of these converge causing the abdomen bloat and releasing an extensive pressure on the lower back. Underlying symptoms also provide an additional reason for making back pain worse. Hormonal Changes: Pregnancy creates a path for several changes in a woman’s body, including the hormones. The shooting of a new placenta hormone named Human Chorionic Gonadotropin creates additional manipulations in the... View Article

Treating the side effects of abortion at home

August 10, 2018 10:01 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Medical abortion has lesser side effects or presumably less practical side effects as compared to a clinical aspect. Nevertheless, side effects do affect hormonal and cognitive phases of a woman. Hence, a progressive approach to take the adequate measure which can ease such symptoms can be reliable. Home remedies serve women who opt for a medical abortion rather than clinical. Additionally, having a perfect partner who can be responsible after an abortion aids to progressive women health. Online methods of pregnancy termination are available in several blogs and sites including where you can easily buy MTP kit online. These techniques should be used with utmost care and precautions as they are prescribed within a specific time frame, following which one has to opt for a clinical pregnancy termination process. While terminating the pregnancy using abortion pill, the side effects of the same are bound to happen. There are some simple home remedies which can be easily used to mitigate the impact of the side effects, eventually ensuring a smooth process. Let us get a hold of such remedies that can be performed at home. Nutrient Density: Improving consumption of certain nutrients, aid in progressive tissue regeneration that has been tampered... View Article