Categories for Women Health

6 Reasons for Late Period Other Than Pregnancy

November 10, 2017 6:11 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Pregnancy is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about delayed period, but is that the only reason why menstrual cycle would be late? The answer is no. There are several factors that may affect the timing of a period. In many cases simple changes to your lifestyle may bring your regular period back. While in other cases, a visit to doctor may be required. Here are some of the reasons why your periods may be late.     1. Illness Both, chronic conditions and short illnesses can cause your periods to be late. If you think that is this the reason why your periods are late, then you can talk to your practitioner to assist you to pinpoint the condition, find an appropriate treatment and then ascertain when your period is possibly going to return. Other conditions that could affect menstrual cycles include PCOS or overactive thyroid. A rare example includes pituitary tumor, which can be indicated by missed periods. If you miss few periods in a row, they you may be required to visit a healthcare professional. 2. Stress Sometimes we are so stressed that our system reduces the amount of production of GnRH hormone, which causes... View Article

Can You Tell If You Are Pregnant By Checking Cervical Mucus?

November 3, 2017 11:11 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Cervical mucus changes as ovulation approaches, in response to changing hormones. During the two week wait, when you are very much looking for signs of pregnancy, it’s usual to speculate if cervical mucus could give you a clue. It can be tempting to look for signs of pregnancy. Regrettably, your vaginal discharge may not differ much from what you did see just before menstruation even if you are not pregnant. How does Cervical Mucus alter at the time of Pregnancy? You may be aware of term luekorrhea. This is the name of usual vaginal discharge. It is normally milky-white and thin. During the pregnancy, this term is used to refer vaginal discharge; however leukorrhea is as well present in non-pregnant female. During pregnancy, leukorrhea production rises. This is because to rise estrogen and blood flow to the vaginal area. You might think you can look for the extra leukorrhea to detect early pregnancy. However it’s not possible. Leukorrhea alters don’t become noticeable until at least 8 weeks or later. The two week wait that would be way too soon. Cervical mucus plays a vital role in your reproduction system. When you are in the non-fertile stages of your menstrual period,... View Article

Working during Pregnancy

October 27, 2017 12:33 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you are healthy female having a normal pregnancy and your job does not involve contact to harmful chemicals, woman may be able to continue working until the day you give birth- or close to it. Even if you may exhaust more easily toward the end of your pregnancy, so take it easy if possible. And give yourself a break. If you can afford to begin your maternity leave a week or two prior to your due date, think using that time to rest up, get ready and indulge yourself a little. It may be the last time you have to yourself for a while. How do you maintain a professional image as my pregnancy develops? It assists to know how your pregnancy may affect you at work. During the first and third trimester, you may get fatigue, forgetfulness, and discomfort. However you may feel more energetic and focused in the second trimester. Although the fatigue and absentmindedness are normal, it might help to talk about your pregnancy with a trusted friend at work. Your pregnancy, although visible, can still be private. Try not to complain or discuss about your pregnancy very much, particularly if your co-workers or supervisor are... View Article

Can Medications Affect The Results Of A Pregnancy Test?

October 17, 2017 1:23 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Often women ask their doctors, if there are any medications that can show a false negative pregnancy results, and if yes what medicines are they? In general, there are not many medicines that can affect the results of a pregnancy test. This holds true, be it for positive or negative pregnancy test results. This is due to the fact that the pregnancy test is based upon the level of hCG, i.e. human chorionic gonadotrophin [hCG] in your urine or blood. A vast majority of medications do not have any impact on the hCG hormones [ in any way suppressing nor increasing it]. Birth Control Pills Birth control pills like Ovral or Loette or any other forms of it like, condom or vaginal ring do not affect the results of a pregnancy test urine or even blood. This is because they do not contain hCG nor do they change your hCG levels or secret hCG. The only exceptional case is pregnancy, which means that birth control has failed. Antibiotics Antibiotics are given to help your body fight or prevent infection. These medications do not contain hCG. Although, they can render your birth control, especially oral contraceptives [ the pills] useless. This... View Article

6 Tips for Young Woman to Avoid Having Sagging Breast

October 6, 2017 9:27 am Published by Leave your thoughts

A number of females worry about when they will lose their youthful appearance, like when their breasts will begin start to sag; but by protecting your skin, by exercising, avoiding major weight fluctuations, and eating well, you can avert the sagging from happening early. Following tips can help to prevent sagging breasts: 1) Keep your body young and fit by exercising: It will make you look and feel good by controlling your weight and giving you a trim waist to assist emphasize the perkiness of your breasts.Aerobic exercise releases endorphins which make you feel relax, lift your mood, and make you feel better about yourself. The exercise includes walking, swimming, or jogging will help keep your waist small. Try to do 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. 2) Make the muscles in your chest stronger with weight lifting: Whereas your breasts themselves do not have muscles in them, the underlying muscles might resist the pull of gravity by toning. Try to do weight training at least twice a week. Chest presses can help you strengthen your shoulder, pectoral, and triceps muscles. Lie on your back on the floor with a weight in every... View Article

Things You Should Know About Irregular Periods in Teenagers

September 28, 2017 10:06 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Many girls get their first period between 11 and 13 years old, some girls get anywhere between 9 and 16. Each one has own ‘biological clock’ and hence differs from anyone else’s. Accordingly, if you doubt that you will never get your period, don’t worry, you will! It is fairly common for some girls to have abnormal menstrual cycles during their early stage or even first year of menstruation. But, it’s not regular if she misses her period for 3 to 5 months in a row, particularly if she has had a period normally for some months before that. The medical term for not having menstruation is amenorrhea, and if the condition goes beyond 3 months, then you need to seek medical attention. There are a lot of reasons that your daughter may be experiencing irregular menstrual cycles, given below are few things both you and your daughter must discuss: • It is normal for a teenage girl during her first two years of menstruating to have irregular periods. A few have irregular menstrual cycles for their entire lives, though the majority of females have a cycle that they can count out. The 28-day cycle, which is written about in... View Article

Why Shouldn’t You Smoke and Drink During The Medical Abortion?

September 25, 2017 9:39 am Published by Leave your thoughts

There are certain medical conditions that an individual must pass to be eligible for Pregnancy Termination by abortion pills. A woman must not be suffering from heart, liver or kidney disease. It is a known fact that drinking and smoking cause cardiovascular problems, kidney failure, and liver disease. Therefore, indirectly, smoking and drinking make you ineligible for having Medical Abortion. However, that is not the only reason.  The medical abortion regimen includes two medications, i.e. Mifepristone abortion pill and Misoprostol Abortion Pill. While you are on the drugs, it is generally advised to stay away from alcohol, as the drug may interact negatively with alcohol in the system. The nicotine in the cigarettes, as well as ingredients found in the liquor, can affect the central nervous system pretty badly. It causes gastric abortion pill complications, disorientation, liver damage and dizziness/ drowsiness. All of this is unsafe for a pregnant woman, whether she wants to terminate the said pregnancy or keep it. Why drinking/ smoking is hazardous during Medical Abortion? A medical abortive procedure must be followed minutely step by step. Any miss-dose can lead to complications, therefore an individual must be fully alert during the process. As drinking heavily or moderately... View Article

How Are Menstrual Cycles Post Abortion Like? When to Worry?

August 19, 2017 4:49 am Published by Leave your thoughts

It is normal to worry about when you will have your next menstrual cycles post abortion. The healing time is very individual and depends upon your body and how you take care of yourself during this time. It is also up to how far along you were when you had the process completed. It could be weeks, or up to a couple of months. The vital thing is to understand the difference between after abortion bleeding and your first menstrual cycle returning after having an abortion. Keep in mind that ovulation normally takes place somewhere around 14 days prior to your menstrual period and if you had a pregnancy termination, it will be difficult to gauge when this will occur. You can get pregnancy again in the weeks after an abortion if you have unprotected intercourse. Getting first menstrual period after abortion:       1. Bleeding after abortion After you buy abortion pills to have a pregnancy termination, you may have bleeding anywhere from 2 weeks and up to 6 weeks. Revival bleeding is normally heavy the first few days and will diminish. If you were farther along, you may undergo menstruation like bleeding for two weeks. Then it... View Article

5 Tips to Maintain a Healthy First Trimester Pregnancy

August 4, 2017 5:19 am Published by Leave your thoughts

A normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks and is bifurcated into trimesters. The first trimester is considered the first 13 weeks of your gestation.  During this time, your body is adapting to the new life inside of it, and it is necessary to take all the essential precautions to make sure you and your baby are as healthy as possible. Find a good health care provider: If you don’t already have an OB/GYN physician or midwife, whom you feel relaxed with, begin doing some research or ask friends and family for referrals. Good parental care is tremendously vital throughout your pregnancy, and you want to choose a physician or a midwife that you feel comfortable with. Schedule a prenatal appointment: It is vital to schedule an appointment soon after you discover you are pregnant. Researches show that females who do not obtain good prenatal care are at a higher risk for having low birth-weight babies and babies with poor health than females who often see a doctor during pregnancy. Starting healthy habits for pregnancy: Stop habits that are harmful for the fetus. The most important step for a healthy first trimester, and a healthy pregnancy in common, is altering lifestyle... View Article