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Frequently Asked Questions: Birth Control

April 21, 2017 11:29 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Sometimes people are too busy, too embarrassed or just don’t know the answers of many questions regarding birth control pills. Does Birth control make you fat? The studies over and over again about this have shown the same thing, specifically which the pill does not make you fat. A woman who buy ovral G birth control for the first time to start it, undergo many bodily changes. A birth control pill can be used without an expected weight gain. Thus, you can go ahead, purchase those new skinny-leg jeans, and begin your birth control the same day. How long does it take for birth control pills to work? Effectiveness of the pill depends on which day of your period you began taking it. If you began it on first day of bleeding then it is effectual right away. If you began on 5th day then it is effective in 14 days time- any other starting point is not safe until you start begin two of the pill. How long until birth control pill is effective? When you take the pill daily, it’s great at preventing pregnancy. However, missing tablets, taking certain drugs, and other things may make it not work... View Article

What Should You Expect After The Abortion?

April 15, 2017 6:47 am Published by Leave your thoughts

After an abortion you may receive instructions for after care from your doctor. It is very vital that you follow such instructions that you have been prescribed.  To help to reduce risk of infection, you may be instructed to avoid certain things, such as: Having vaginal intercourse Using tampons (instead of pads) Taking baths Douching Swimming You may take help of a healthcare provider, if you become anxious about your condition. If you develop any of the following symptoms, you will need to contact your abortion provider. Severe cramps Fever or chills of 100.4° or more Bleeding that is heaviest than your normal menstrual cycle, or if two or more sanitary pads are drenched for an hour or even more Bad-odor discharge from your vagina Counting symptoms of pregnancy In a pregnancy termination with abortion pills procedure, the provider confirms that the abortion is successful with the help of ultrasound. You should go to your post-abortion appointment, even if you feel fine. Some females choose to go to their women’s health practitioner or regular family doctor for their follow-up exam. You may want to decide that your GP will support your choice because it is necessary that you tell them... View Article

What Is The Most Optimal Regimen For Medical Abortion?

April 6, 2017 12:31 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Through the power of technology and internet, information is quickly and easily available to everyone. Similarly, women all over the world access information on medical abortion on the internet as reproductive care access is lacking, absent or too much expensive in their area. Still, there are some doubts about the regimen that are left unanswered. Here is why the regimen given on our website is optimal as proven by research. What is the most recommended regimen for medical abortion? The most recommended regimen for medical abortion is 1 pill of Mifepristone [ 200 mg] and 4 pills of Misoprostol [ 800 mcg total]. You can also take the branded versions of these drugs by taking Mifeprex and Cytolog pill. Firstly, the 200 mg of Mifepristone is consumed orally. Then after an interval of about 24-48 hours, the 4 pills of Misoprostol of 200 mcg each are put in buccally [ in the cheek pouches] or vaginally. It must be noted that vaginal and buccal administration of Misoprostol are both quicker in effect, but buccal administration is recommended, as there is no chance of leftover tablets residue remaining in the body with buccal route. Why is this optimal regimen?This combination results into... View Article

Going Off the Birth Control Pill: Some Essential Facts, One Must Be Aware Of

March 31, 2017 9:11 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Whether you have been ordering and having birth control pills online for a decade or have only been on it a year or so, probabilities are you will still feel some effects from going off it. Suppose you are switching to optional birth-control methods or hoping to conceive soon, there are certain things you must be aware of about going off the pill. You can Conceive: It is obvious that once a woman is off the birth control pill you can conceive in the absence of other birth-control methods. The timing differs from person to person, and it can take up to a few months for your period to return. However, once your ovulation starts again, there are chances of yours to conceive immediately. If deciding to become pregnant, it is always better to re-schedule an appointment for preconception with your GP, to discuss going off any pill and planning for pregnancy. You might have Premenstrual syndrome (PMS): Particularly if the reason you originally buy Ovral L (oral contraceptive) was to combat the painful symptoms of PMS, they can start to rear their ugly head once again. Basically, you can expect your PMS to return to how it was before... View Article

Having Intercourse After Abortion

March 24, 2017 5:07 am Published by Leave your thoughts

An abortion includes end a pregnancy by removing the conception tissues from the uterus. This process is undoubtedly exhausting for the body and takes at least 2 to 3 weeks for recovery. Even if the termination of pregnancy was by abortion pills, surgery or even miscarriage, the tissues of the cervix and the womb may be more prone to infection for a short period of time after the procedure. What happens during a medical abortion? If the woman decides to buy abortion pill kit to abort, she is eventually going to take Mifepristone and Misoprostol for terminating pregnancy. The Mifepristone other than being an anti-progesterone agent also works to soften and widen the cervix. This makes it easier for the conception tissues to flow through vaginal discharge. As the cervix widens it stays like that for some time after abortion completion. Therefore, the time just after the procedure is when the person is more susceptible of getting pregnant or even infected. Why you mustn’t have intercourse in the recovery time after pregnancy termination? Anything inserted into the woman’s vagina while it’s still healing can expose her uterus to any bacteria or other micro-organisms which can cause infection. More on that,... View Article

What Is Ectopic Pregnancy And How Do I Know If I Have It?

March 17, 2017 5:11 am Published by Leave your thoughts

An ectopic pregnancy is defined when the pregnancy is attached and grows outside the womb – which is usually the fallopian tube or in the ovaries. This is a life threatening situation, because if the pregnancy grows uncontrolled, it can burst the tube or whatever space its growing in. Therefore, it must be immediately treated with a surgery and medicines. Abortion pills however do not effect a pregnancy growing outside the womb. Therefore, it is advised to only buy abortion pills if you have confirmed an intrauterine pregnancy which is under 10 weeks’ gestation. This you can make sure by having an ultra-sound or a pelvic examination. If you use an MTP Kit – i.e., mifepristone and Misoprostol without confirming or having an ultrasound first, there is a rare chance that you could have an unnoticed ectopic pregnancy. If you do not discharge any tissues or blood after taking Misoprostol pills, it is a possibility that you have an ectopic pregnancy. How do I know if I have an ectopic pregnancy? If you feel sudden severe pain in your stomach or lower back/back and mostly only on one side If you are feeling dizzy or fainted If you have pain... View Article

Is Birth Control Pill Still Effective, Even If Taken A Couple Of Hours Late?

March 10, 2017 5:06 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Men and women both can try diverse methods to avert unwanted pregnancy. Nearly all women depend on ‘the pill’ that is a hormonal birth control form which they take verbally, simply with water. The good thing is that, this form of contraception is 99.9% effective, if you take it appropriately. This means you need to use it in a correct way or else you are more likely to become pregnant yet after consumption of the pill. A number of women ruminate over a common question- ‘What are the chances to getting pregnant if you took the birth control pill 2 hours later?’ Let’s know more regarding it. Does birth control pill remain effective, when taken 2 hours later? Of course, the tablet is effective even if you take it a couple of hours after the advised time. You typically need to consume your pill once a day if you are on combined-hormone medicines. The best thing with combined-hormone tablets is that you do not have to take them at the same time daily. Your chances of getting pregnancy would occur only if you do take the pill for a week or so. This generally happens when a woman does not... View Article

Medical Abortion is Helpful, Then Why do Some Women Still Hesitate?

March 3, 2017 6:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Science has proven that unwanted early pregnancy can be terminated with medications, rather than surgery. But there is a wide gap between the access rights to abortion pills and its use in various parts of the world. In spite these pills being approved by many medical authorities like the FDA of the U.S. What women fear is not the effectiveness of the tablets, but the consequences of the law they may face, if someone finds out about their motives. In some regions of the world, abortion is limited, including partly or entirely ban given reasons suited eligible as per state jurisdiction. While majority of places even permit dispensing of these medicines by means of telemedicine or online pharmacies. In certain states it is even difficult to acquire the same local pharmacies. In medicinal process, women are told, first to take Mifeprex  Pill orally with water to alter uterine implantation lining that expels fetus from the uterus, and dilates cervix to relieve beginning of abortion. After a gap 24-48 hours, it is followed by an intake of prostaglandin tablets that ejects the pregnancy remnants, bringing a successful end to the entire procedure, in a matter of only 14 to 16 days.... View Article

Abortion Can Contribute To a Peaceful Society

February 24, 2017 5:20 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Abortion has been one of the world’s most controversial topics on hand. However, if one sees the legitimate infringement to women by the prohibition of abortion, the distress to the unwanted child and the agony society has to undergo, then this topic would not be so contentious. A lot of people do not observe the cause and effect of not being able to have abortions. Every human being is given some undeniable right guaranteed by the Constitution. ‘Right to pursue happiness’ is one of those privileges. A child can sometimes disturb a woman’s pursuit of happiness. Even though she chooses to give it up for adoption, she still has the burden of carrying the fetus for nine months. Providing the option to buy abortion pill with credit card in order to terminate unwanted pregnancy can solve that impediment. Abolishing this right would be intruding a woman’s constitutional liberty. Sufferings of unwanted children:           The undesired child also suffers. Majority of times the mother of the undesired child is very young and unversed or financially weak to nurture the baby. Children of such women are normally malnourished, absence of medical care, and obtains very little love or attention. The foster care... View Article

Chances of Pregnancy and Infection after Medical Abortion

February 18, 2017 12:32 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Abortion, medical or surgical can be physically and mentally exhausting; therefore it is necessary that it is given some time to heal. After a pregnancy termination, a procedure that involves removing embryonic tissues from the uterus, it needs approximately 2 to 3 weeks to fully heal. After a pregnancy cancellation, the tissues in the cervix and uterus are more susceptible to infection for a time period. Infection after termination Many women buy Misoprostol and Mifepristone for having a medically done termination. These are generally the safest and most effective combination of abortion pills. However, both the pills take effect by ripening and softening the cervix. This is done so that the fetal tissues are passed through smoothly. Therefore, anything inserted into the vagina, while the woman is still healing from the procedure can easily expose her uterus/ cervix to micro-organisms and other bacteria which can cause infection. This is one of the reasons women are advised to take showers than baths while they are healing. During this time, it is also advised that no penetration (which includes tampons/fingers/sex toys or douche) must be taken place. Of course, that leaves vaginal intercourse out of the question, whereas she is also encouraged... View Article