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Perspective of People towards Medical Abortion May Vary Due To Religious Differences

February 10, 2017 6:29 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The use of medications with presumed medicinal properties to induce abortions is documented right through recorded history. But, the advent of safe and efficient regimens for medical abortion (MA) also sometimes termed medication pregnancy termination, or nonsurgical abortion is more recent. Introduction to Medical Abortion: Scientific trials of just mifepristone for early abortion started in 1982 and documented complete abortion rates of lower than 80%. It was soon discovered that the rates could be improved to virtually 100% if misoprostol was administered 24-48 hours following mifepristone. Pregnancy termination through medication is one of the most important developments in the field of reproductive health, equally in countries where abortion is legalized on broad grounds or on request and in others where it is prohibited. Where termination of pregnancy is allowed and MA has been approved. It provides a safe, effective, and non-invasive option for surgical abortion and is highly suitable for women whether it was induced by the combined regimen or by misoprostol only. Religious approaches to medical abortion: Even though medical abortion is very safe, and effective and women worldwide buy online abortion pills to induce it, it has been a debatable topic. Some issues generate a profound division within... View Article

Abortion 101: How to Conclude Your Pregnancy with Abortion Pills

February 2, 2017 6:03 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Pregnancy can be a dream come true for some and a nightmare for others. They can be a subject of dread if the person conceiving hasn’t planned or prepared for it. Therefore, many women buy abortion pill kit or services, if they feel they do not have any other option. What is Medical abortion? The process of aborting through medication is made up of two stages and can be safely done within 10 weeks of gestation period. The initial part involves a drug named Mifepristone which is a hormone progesterone antagonist. The pill introduces hormones in the body which prevent the production of the uterine wall that is crucial for keeping the embryo attached. In absence of this hormone the uterine lining breaks down and the pregnancy cannot be continued. The second stage involves another drug named Misoprostol, which is an ecbolic medication and prostaglandin analogue by nature. The medication is taken buccally (in the cheek pouches) and dissolved naturally in the mouth. Misoprostol can also be administered vaginally. The cramping and bleeding that is needed to complete the procedure usually begins two hours or less after taking the tablets. Some women take longer, but that is no reason to worry.... View Article

Why Abortion is so extensively debated in America?

January 23, 2017 12:30 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Just as Trump takes the presidential seat next week, a swarm of anti-abortion laws have been issued nation over. Calls are being made in demand to stop the federal funding to the country’s leading abortive service, just as they were been made in 2012, when Mick Romney attacked then President Obama on the issue of defunding State sponsored abortive services. Meanwhile he did defend himself again; just like Trump when he backed out off his claims that women seeking abortive services must be punished is some way”. Regardless, pregnancy termination has once again taken the center stage of discussion in the American presidential politics. This has been in line, following thirty years more or less. Nevertheless, this is a difficult ethical issue that connects with almost every person in the country, so it is understandable that is discussed in the political, social and legal sphere. However, abortive topics are always mentioned in the corner of the political spheres in other developed countries. So why are things different in the US? American Culture American hosts one of the most religious populations in the West and with the US history in Puritanism, their political discourse particularly holds a moral tone. However this... View Article

Some Misapprehensions about Pregnancy Termination that Needs to Shattered

January 5, 2017 1:24 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

This blog refutes some common illusions about abortion. Pro-life is Pro-family. Abortion destroys the family: Lawful abortion helps parents restrict their families to the number of children they desire and can afford. This reinforces and ballasts the family unit. As a result, pro-choice is pro-child and pro-family. Anti-choice laws can cause hardship and stress for families with inadequate resources to raise undesired kids. Families with undesired children often consist of a baby and her baby, living an economically backward life. There are too many late abortions: Nearly all terminations are done in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy, women prefer to buy abortion pill for it and only few does after 16 weeks. Most late pregnancy terminations are done for health reasons.  Paradoxically, anti-abortion laws, harassment, and defunding cause deferment and lead to larger numbers of late abortions. The anti-choice movement is not opposed to contraception: The same people who oppose legal termination often contest contraception as well. Such position is reckless and hypocritical. If pro-lifers used their well-funded systematizing power to promote birth control and sex education instead of fighting lawful abortion, this will easily help them to reduce the termination rate in half within a few years. Adoption... View Article

Ancient Abortion Methods that Make you Grateful for Modern Abortive Medicine and Technology Continued

December 29, 2016 11:11 am Published by Leave your thoughts

No matter how many years have passed, abortion still remains a subject of taboo among most societies. Seeing the passionate debates about abortion in the present however makes us forget that pregnancy termination has a long history, a deadly and dangerous one at that. Even if today, women can buy abortion pill online or otherwise access other methods for aborting, they’re not exactly pain free. Some these historical methods of aborting, however would make anyone grateful for modern medicine and technology, not to mention laws (where it’s legal to abort). Shaken / beaten or pounded brutally on abdomen The ancient Greeks had a lot of suggestions for women who were seeking to end their pregnancy. These women were counseled to do back-breaking labor, go horse-riding, throw themselves off the stairs, weightlifting, mountain-climbing, cliff-diving, jumping up and down and lastly being shaken by two strong men. On the other hand the oldest known portrayal of abortion is from Cambodia around 1150 AD. It depicts a demon from underworld hitting a woman on abdomen with a mallet to induce abortion. Other techniques used were brutal beatings with a meat pulverizer, bat and aggressive kneading on abdomen. Suppositories made of mouse dung, salt,... View Article

Why anti-abortion laws should be nullified?

December 8, 2016 11:45 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Since the abortion was first legalized in the US in 1973, in an unprecedented decision of the Supreme Court, abortion has legislatively, morally and politically attacked by many groups to have it banned. As per two different points of views, the subject of pregnancy termination has long been contested over time. This contention represented the views of modern women who seek the right to make their own reproductive choices. Even if three decades have passed since its legalization, many anti-abortions do not approve of pregnancy termination as according to them, it goes against nature or God’s will. The legality of abortion, however cannot rest on a number of people’s personal beliefs, therefore such laws cannot be enforced on the rest of the demographic. Enforcing an anti-abortion law is impossible A pregnancy doesn’t just constitute of carrying it till childbirth. Ideally, it includes proper planning (emotionally and financially) to raise the child. However, as reports shows, that is not always the case. There are still significant numbers of unintended pregnancies, notable enough to warrant the high number of abortions where it is legal and high amounts of illegal terminations where it is illegal. This symbolizes that pregnancy termination is just an... View Article

How Men Feel After Abortion?

November 16, 2016 10:48 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The abortion decision is a right of the woman alone. Men are bereft of the decision of pregnancy cancellation. But from men’s point of view, if they find their partner or friend is facing a decision about unexpected pregnancy, they are worried for her. In such cases, men betray to be stronger to support their partner in the decision as women have to go with the procedure alone. Their decision might affect them to some extent making them feel confused, scared, guilty, sad, shut out, or simply plain confused. Men may be upset with the idea of their partner losing or continuing pregnancy. They are mostly scared of losing their relationship with their partner. The majority of women consider their partner’s feelings. A woman is the one who has to go through the process whether it is pregnancy or abortion. So, you might think it’s better to support your partner in her decision. You might not pressurize her or wish to go against her. But men’s feelings are also equally important. Although knowing that ultimately woman has to follow her own feelings, men need to tell their partner how they feel. Every woman desires to hear how much her husband... View Article

Is it difficult to have a medical abortion all by yourself?

November 8, 2016 1:28 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Access to pregnancy termination pills and services is one of the hot topics discussed not only in the current political sphere but also within our social circle. Due to recent revisions by the FDA, the label on Mifepristone has changed that have made it accessible to more women.  Since the regulations have loosed up a little, one can buy abortion pill online a lot more easily than a decade ago. Studies show that success rate of using Mifepristone and Misoprostol range from 96%-97% effectively without any complications. Can the abortion pills, however, used by yourself? The process                            The procedure of taking pregnancy cancellation pills starts with – Take Mifepristone on day one. It is a progesterone blocking pill that stops the pregnancy continuing hormones from building a uterine wall that is used for attaching the embryo to the womb. This wall also supplies nourishment to the embryo, which is stopped by Mifepristone. The recommended dose for Mifepristone is 200 mg. It does not have any side-effects other than light bleeding. Therefore it is recommended to have sanitary pads with you after taking this drug. Otherwise, you may go on with your day-to-day activities A mandatory interval of 24-42 hours that is... View Article

Misoprostol and its various usages

October 26, 2016 8:49 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Medical abortion necessarily needs two medications for successful termination. Even though their basic usage is for causing medically induced miscarriage, these pills are also used for different purposes. When you buy abortion pill, the secondary drug is called Misoprostol. It is a synthetic prostaglandin E analogue that is not only used for its intended purpose but also for off-label usage of indication in gynecology and obstetrics, inducing labor, treating stomach ulcers, ripening of cervix and medical management of miscarriage and treating hemorrhage after childbirth.  Additionally it is also listed as an ‘essential’ medicine for women’s health by World Health Organization. History                              The U.S FDA approved medication for pregnancy termination in 2000 with 600 mg and 400 mg of Mifepristone (Mifeprex) and Misoprostol (Cytotec) respectively. Before the recent amendment, the FDA required prescription of three pills of Mifeprex and two tablets of Misoprostol. Additionally, pregnancy cancellation medicines were only used up to 49 days of gestation. After the recent update on labeling, FDA now requires 800 mcg dosage of Misoprostol, i.e. four tablets of 200mcg dosage. This drug can be used orally (under the tongue), buccally (in the cheek pouches) and inserted vaginally. Generally, used orally before FDA update, now... View Article

Restrictive Laws Prevent Women from Getting a Safe Abortion

October 19, 2016 1:25 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Just few days ago, a woman was arrested for seeking illegal abortive service for her pregnant teenage daughter in a place where it is illegal to have an abortion that is not a result of rape, incest or has any potential life-threatening risk on the woman and the child.  After buying abortion pills online and inducing the miscarriage by medicines she was reported by the clinic staff that did her daughter’s after checkup. Just in three days process, she gave her daughter Mifeprex and Misoprostol pregnancy cancellation pills as per instructions without any problematic side effects. Four days later she took her to have an ultrasound and it was clear that she was not pregnant anymore. As pregnancy cancellation pills have the same effect as miscarriage, initially no one aside the two knew that it was medicine induced. Concerned mother confided them about pills used just in case it didn’t cause any harm to her daughter. This case brought forth the ugly side of getting abortion in regions that have major anti-abortion perception population. Even in this case, where the girl was not even eighteen years of age would be forced to carry the pregnancy to term, where she as... View Article