Categories for Abortion

Can Past Abortion Affect The Chances of Getting Pregnant

March 11, 2019 9:40 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Not every woman who aborts hates having a family. It is mostly wrong time of pregnancy that makes women abort their unintended pregnancy. The number of women’s who plan to buy an abortion pill kit online in the USA is pretty no small. It is very obvious that future pregnancy is the concern most women have while purchasing pills. This blog explains if past abortion affects the chances of getting pregnant in the future. The side effects of abortion medicines: The side effects of abortion medicines are temporary. These side effects include migraine, sickness, stomach upset, feeling nauseous and tired, excessive bleeding etc. The impact of the side effects lasts for about a week or so and not more than that. If you experience any of the aforementioned side effects for longer than the said time, you should seek medical attention for the same. Are there any side effects which affect future pregnancies: None of the side effects have any impact on future pregnancies. There are many women who had a medical abortion yet gave birth to normal kids with normal delivery. Abortion pills do not lead to any complications in the procedure. As an abortion pill user, you have... View Article

10 Ways you can support your friend who is undergoing abortion

February 11, 2019 7:13 am Published by Leave your thoughts

People often don’t understand how they can help their friend who is undergoing a medical abortion. Showing sympathy is surely one thing, but what can you do beyond sympathizing your friend during her abortion procedure? This blog helps you find it out in 10 different ways. Don’t assume! When your friend tells you about her unwanted pregnancy, the first thing you must do is understand her situation. Because other people would judge her for the circumstances she has been going through. You must take your friend into a comfort zone where she can find faith and strength. Try to be sweet even when showing contradictory views: You may have different beliefs than your friend. However, you must not demean her beliefs or disrespect her decisions. Even though you wish not to stand with her decision, you can explain it sweetly and back off from the situation. It’s her decision! Make her realize it! Whatever the decision she takes, as long as the decision does not harm their health, you must try not to influence their decision. You must make them realize that it’s their decision alone. Does she have all that she wants? If abortion is their decision, see if... View Article

Abortion pill know how why and everything

January 30, 2019 11:29 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The abortion pill is a popular term used for the medication of abortion. It makes it possible for a woman to end the pregnancy even at her home. The term, however, is largely misinterpreted in women. Though when you buy abortion pill online, you don’t actually buy one pill but a combination of two pills. Mifepristone and Misoprostol are the two abortion tablets consumed in the process of medical termination of early pregnancy. What are the abortion tablets which can be easily available online? When you are planning to get abortion pill, buy from online stores or local stores. Mifepristone, Generic RU 486 and Mifeprex are some of the examples of anti-progesterone medicines which you can easily find at pharma stores. Having stated that, these pills alone cannot end an unwanted pregnancy. For this, you require a prostaglandin component. This component is abundant in the Misoprostol pill which is taken along with Mifepristone for complete medical abortion process. Mifepristone and Misoprostol is a popular combination administered worldwide by many women who are stuck in an unwanted pregnancy situation. How safe is an abortion pill? Abortion pills are assuredly a safe solution for a woman. Most people consider medical abortion as... View Article

Causes of Abortion

December 18, 2018 1:26 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Abortion is described as the removal of an early pregnancy remains, tissue and several products of fetus and placenta from the uterus of a woman. The terms, fetus, and placenta are subsequently used in the cases of eight weeks of pregnancy, as the process is largely adapted within this period. Subsequently, pregnancy tissue and products of conception refer to cells and tissues produced solely by the union of egg and sperm before a span of eight weeks. Women in certain nations receive free access to pregnancy termination information and buy abortion pill online i.e mtp kit from online at low cost or buy from pharmacy store near you. Abortion is dominantly used for ending unplanned pregnancy period. Women go forward to the process and pill pack, to end the gestation. Unplanned pregnancies happen when a birth control process is not used or at times fails to give results. Around one and half of abortions are put forward direct during the subsequent 6 to 8 weeks of pregnancy period. Among this, largely 90 percent of cases surround the 12 weeks of pregnancy cases. Mifepristone and Misoprostol are the imperative pills which tackle early pregnancy and described as mostly used abortion pills by... View Article

Abortion From Beginning Till End

December 12, 2018 1:07 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The Mifepristone and Misoprostol kit or even MTP kit today is easily available in the market and hence women tend to buy online abortion pills with their easy availability. The concerning factor here is the lack of knowledge about the abortion procedure. This blog is a beginning to end guide for medical abortion. Before you take abortion pills: There isn’t any compulsion as such which is imposed before beginning the medical abortion procedure. There are some suggestions which can help you better prepare for the medical termination of pregnancy. Whether to take abortion pills is an important decision for a woman. Sometimes, you may get pregnancy-like symptoms which may be uneventful and can put you in a panic mode. most women in such situations immediately buy abortion pill online to end their pregnancy at home. However, it is advised you must not take any decision in hurry. So what needs to be done? Here are some tips: Check your pregnancy status and confirm it a test. Second, you must check the gestation of the pregnancy. Check with your physicians if you have any issues that may contradict with the elements of the abortion pill. If you are a breastfeeding woman, you... View Article

Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Abortion

December 3, 2018 6:14 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Medical abortion is a non-invasive technique of terminating an unwanted early pregnancy. The oral preparation for medically terminating a pregnancy is called an abortion pill or abortion medication. The medical abortion procedure involves taking these medicines and observing the symptoms for a week, finally confirming the procedure’s success after 10-14 days. What is the procedure of medical abortion? There are two medicines involved, an anti-progesterone medicine- Mifepristone, and a prostaglandin medicine- Misoprostol. The first medicine is taken orally while 4 pills of Misoprostol are taken on the next day, either buccally or vaginally. Where is it safe? Medical termination of pregnancy using abortion pills is a safe abortion procedure. The user, although, must follow the instructions given by the healthcare provider. Where can I buy abortion pills? Once you receive a prescription letter from the healthcare provider, you can buy abortion pills online or from the local pharmacy stores. Many women prefer buying online abortion pills as it allows them to maintain privacy about pregnancy termination. Are there any side effects of medical abortion? Nausea Vomiting A headache Cramps Excessive Vaginal Bleeding Fever How will I come to know if the abortion is successful? There are two symptoms of medical... View Article

Abortion cases are more among young women, know the US picture!

November 28, 2018 10:05 am Published by Leave your thoughts

In a recent survey, it was found that the number of abortion has increased the level of pregnancy termination in the young people between 20-30 age group. Today’s young women have their priorities set before them. Be it education, career, getting mentally ready for a family or any other bodily concerns, they are more inclined towards avoiding pregnancies, especially in the early twenties. There’s a misunderstanding in the societies that today’s young generation chooses abortion over any other thing. That’s not utterly true. The use of condoms and other contraception methods have also reportedly increased in the past decade. Failure of contraception and uneventful unprotected sexual intercourse are most often found the reasons behind unwanted pregnancies. In such scenarios, the aforementioned priorities discussed make today’s woman end their pregnancy with different methods of abortion. Most women choose to buy the pill for abortion instead of going for a surgical one. Young women who are at the start of their career cannot afford the big fees of abortion surgeries and hence they switch to medical one. Although medical pregnancy termination allows women to end their pregnancy before 10 weeks of gestation, it is more popular in women as experts suggest it... View Article

Post Abortion Stress: What you need to know!

November 16, 2018 12:03 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In the whole abortion process, post-abortion stress is seldom addressed in abortion issues. Prevention is better than cure! And hence, it is advised that you think from all perspective before taking the pregnancy termination decision. This blog explains how one should post-abortion support from the closed pals and how one should be self-motivated for the faster recovery from the pregnancy termination procedure. However, before we learn the fast recovery tips, you must know what is post-abortion stress and how do women today deal with such situations. What is post-abortion stress? The feeling of guiltiness after an abortion process is the most common form! The sad, anger and nervousness about the procedure is also called the stress after an abortion. Some women do not think enough before taking a decision about abortion and end up losing their future baby. They identify the situation after the procedure is complete and the loss has incurred. Being quiet and not understanding what exactly happened to you is also a kind of stress that is experienced by most women. You become numb and thinking of your surroundings. What are the symptoms of post-abortion stress? Sorrow Guilt Being numb Depression Shame Struggle with intimacy Anxiety Self-destruction... View Article

Tips For Healthy Sexual Relationship

October 25, 2018 11:50 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Sexual relationship plays an important role in women in their 20’s, 30’s and early 40’s. To be sexually healthy is not just about knowing pleasure positions and ways to do it. A healthy sexual relationship involves other healthy habits which may be a part of your day-to-day life. You can take help of online pharmacies to solve your problems, but if something can be solved at home, why not put a little effort towards a healthy life? Here’re are some health tips to maintain good sexual health relationships. Eat healthily: If you wish to have an active sexual life, you must look after your eating habits. Healthy eating reflects in the sexual life too as it nourishes your body. It helps your body to react healthily in all kinds of situations including sexual intercourse. The right diet and healthy eating can help maintain a good libido. It also helps fight with problems such as hypertension and hypercholesterolemia which may affect your sex life too. Practice safe sexual intercourse: For women, it is an important factor woman to look into. Men with STD can affect your and your pregnancy in a severe manner. Condoms can help you prevent from some of... View Article

Weight, exercise, and why your period might be late

September 20, 2018 1:16 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The period regularity of an athlete is different than other women. Women’s health mechanism has a complicated pattern, especially the menstrual cycle which is a result of typical hormonal changes and chain reaction. There are a few factors such as sudden weight loss and weight gain which affect these chain reactions eventually affecting the regularity of menstruation. Pregnancy and abortion are also prominent factors having an impact on the menstruation. Women who buy abortion pills and administer it to end their pregnancy typically expect their next menstruation after 2-3 months. The bleeding after the pregnancy or the abortion is often heavier than the normal periods, however, abortion does not affect the menstrual cycle, it remains the same as it is before ending the pregnancy. Same is the case with menstruation after a pregnancy. We’ll see how weight, exercise have an impact on the menstruation for women, particularly athletes as these two factors are an integral part of their regular life. Loss of weight: As stated, sudden and extreme loss of weight disturbs the chain reactions causing periods to stop. This is also known secondary amenorrhea which refers to not having menstrual periods for consecutive three months or more. Women must... View Article