Categories for Abortion

Obesity and abortion: What is the connection?

August 1, 2018 11:44 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Surely the body shape of the woman doesn’t define her integral beauty. However, obesity is a problem that can invite many health concerns for women. While undergoing an abortion, gaining body fat and weight can be a nightmare for many women. There are a number of women around the world who buy abortion pills online to end their early pregnancy. However, a hesitant mind puts them under stress regarding obesity after the abortion. Surgical abortion and obesity? The chances of pregnancy termination leading to obesity are high if you have undergone the surgical abortion procedure in the second trimester. An abortion can have an impact on the body after she ends the pregnancy through suction or other surgical pregnancy termination method. The complications arising during the surgical abortion process of obese women are undeniable. Medical abortion and obesity? Medical abortion does not make women a victim of obesity even after the pregnancy termination process. Also, obese women do not face major issues while undergoing a medical abortion unlike how they would face in the case of surgical abortion. The drug combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol makes hormonal changes in the body and ejects all the fetus contents from the body... View Article

The Rising Trend of Online Sex-Education

July 31, 2018 7:13 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Lack of sex education is often the foundation of the ongoing population crisis. Schools, preferably mid-level grades introduce the theoretical aspects of unprotected sex and the human reproductive system. With an outgrowth of the internet, most of us heavily rely on digitization rather than physical dependence of books. Women healthcare depends largely on the education of sex. The effects of unplanned pregnancy and abortion are not pretty well-known to most of the population. Reflecting them online with infographics broadly helps in diminishing the problems faced by single mothers. There are a lot of women who buy MTP kit online to end their unwanted pregnancy. Additionally, buying online abortion pills becomes easier for them as they get the pill at the doorstep. In the recent decade, sex education has been promoted vigorously over the internet. Some sites while providing adequate dose, many have altered the line of nudity with education. What prevails such a growth of online sex education in recent times is still debatable. In such an instance, a school in Namibia had to utter “sex-ed” classes by the students when their biology teacher extended the human reproduction class for a week. A week later, teachers of the school introduced... View Article

How does a woman’s body change after sexual intercourse?

July 24, 2018 6:38 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Sexual Intercourse is a stress buster, a natural way to deal with all your depressive strains in your day to day life. It would be worthless to say that sexual intercourse is not needed, or is just a ritual after marriage. Sexual Intercourse is nature’s answer to lead a life embracing and exploring the curves of a human body. Women only need to understand the importance of contraceptives while indulging in sexual activity. An unintended pregnancy through unprotected intercourse can be worrisome. Thankfully you can buy abortion pill online fast delivery and end their pregnancy through a medical abortion. With the increasing use of the internet, women may even consider buying online abortion pills which help them get the medicines with homely comfort and complete privacy. Speaking of sexual activities, though both the genders get rewarded, women have been identified with some drastic change in their bodily mechanisms just after sexual intercourse. But how do sexual intercourse make women feel and behave differently? It does have an adverse effect on overall women health for certain. Boosting hormones! : After the sexual intercourse, women have an ocean of all the mood enhancing hormones and neurotransmitters. Dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and even catecholamines... View Article

How To Calculate Your Ovulation Time Using Your Menstrual Cycle

July 18, 2018 9:51 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Typically, a woman’s menstrual cycle is of 28 days which also involves ovulation phase in the period. It is the time when an unfertilized egg is released from the ovary. The egg further goes to the uterus through the fallopian tubes. You’re most fertile when you’re ovulating and that’s when is the best time to try for conception. Having intercourse during this period increases the possibilities of getting pregnant. If the released egg reaches the sperm, it gets fertilized and the woman becomes pregnant.  Women often misinterpret that having intercourse immediately after a menstrual period can not make you pregnant which is utterly untrue. The male sperm can remain in the vagina for a week and hence the possibilities of conceiving due to such unprotected intercourse cannot be denied. If you end up with an unwanted pregnancy this way, medical abortion can be an option to terminate an early pregnancy (up to 8-10 weeks). For women who have privacy concerns, you can buy abortion pills online which enable you to abort the pregnancy with complete privacy. There is a couple of ovulation calculating devices available in the market which help you count the exact time of ovulation. You can... View Article

Banning abortion endangers women’s health

July 3, 2018 12:57 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Banning abortion is never a solution to the women healthcare problem. If truth be told, it does more harm than good. All the governments across the world with an abortion ban policy need to understand women’s stance and analyze the situations which women go through in their life during the whole unwanted pregnancy situation. One mistake can change a woman’s whole life. In fact, the consequences of continued pregnancy can be life-threatening at times. Abortion is a better option than a miserable life of the woman and the child. What the reports say: Every year, a considerable number of women opt for abortion methods which turn out to be unsafe for them. This eventuates due to following reasons: (1) Banned abortion in the region (2) Unavailability of adequate abortion services in the region due to restrictions (3) Not fitting in the ‘abortion criteria’  of respective state/region. Why women perform an abortion: Rape Contraceptive failure Unplanned pregnancy Being unable to offer the needed requirements to child Unhealthy condition Taking the abortion decision often a painful one. It is essential for government authorities to understand the reason behind taking the decision before jumping onto the abortion ban decree. How will the legalized... View Article

The Age Eligibility for a Medical Abortion

June 30, 2018 12:07 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Medical abortion is a safe method of terminating an unwanted pregnancy at home. However, it does not imply that every woman, regardless of her physical condition can perform a medical pregnancy termination procedure. Compared to women who have abortions in adulthood, teens who abort are not mature enough to understand the delicacy of the situation and tend to follow wrong ways to deal with the problem. Also, they do not inform their parents about the whole pregnancy and abortion situation. This can lead to various health concerns for them.   You can get abortion pills near you from a safe and secure online medical pharmacy store if you are above 18 and meet the eligibility requirements to perform a medical abortion. An early pregnancy termination is possible with MTP kit or similar abortion pills. Here’s a quick run-through of medical abortion eligibility: Your age is above 18 years. The pregnancy gestation period is not more than 10 weeks. The pregnancy is normal and not a case of an ectopic complication. You are aware of the procedure and after effects of the medication. The Psychological Impact: Younger women, under 18 are more likely to suffer from various psychological impacts which may... View Article

Are You Eligible To Take Abortion Pills?

May 30, 2018 8:50 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The eligibility for undergoing a medical abortion varies depending on the user’s region, body type, age, gestation period, and medical condition. This is indicated with regard to health safety measures and the legalities in various regions. The eligibility for medical abortion is thus set to avoid all possible adverse events during the procedure. Following are the points that will help you learn the criteria for buying abortion pills. You’re pregnant: Many a time, women misinterpret a missed period or early pregnancy-like symptoms as a conception. The condition may be true, but you need to be formally assured that you have conceived. Never self-medicate and ingest abortion pills only because you feel you’re pregnant. Perform a pregnancy test and confirm your pregnancy. Abortion pills, by some women, are also wrongly used as birth control pills and this can have serious repercussions. Regular consumption of abortion pills lowers the chances of future pregnancies or creates complications in them. It’s always safer to buy Ovral pill online or other contraceptive methods to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. The gestation period is up to 8 weeks: Once you detect your unintended pregnancy, take a pregnancy termination decision at the earliest. Undergoing the necessary abortion medication... View Article

Learning the difference between symptoms and side effects of a medical abortion

May 15, 2018 7:19 am Published by Leave your thoughts

There are many misconceptions among people regarding the side effects of medical abortion. If the after effects were to be divided into two categories, the first group could be heavy bleeding and cramping that are experienced by every woman undergoing a medical abortion. The second group would include all the remaining side effects of pregnancy termination. Following points shed light on the topic while elaborating the after effects further. The abortion process: Medical abortion is a noninvasive method of ending an early pregnancy. When you buy abortion pills, the combination of Mifepristone & Misoprostol Kit tablets helps terminate the unwanted pregnancy.  Mifepristone is an anti-progesterone tablet which stops the growth of the pregnancy. Its intake has to be oral with water. The second pill Misoprostol is a prostaglandin pill which causes uterine contractions and empties the uterus eventually removing the pregnancy contents from the body. One has to take 4 pills of misoprostol through vaginally or buccally. Experiences after taking abortion pills: Though Mifepristone plays a major role in ending an unplanned pregnancy, a woman does not see any major visible difference in her body post taking the first medicine. The second pill, however, results in heavy bleeding. Heavy bleeding... View Article

Why Women Prefer Online Consultation for Medical Abortion?

April 17, 2018 9:19 am Published by Leave your thoughts

When you buy abortion pills to terminate an unwanted pregnancy,  you have to be careful administering the tablets. To study the medication and abortion procedure, multiple visits to a doctor may not be possible, especially when you live far from the medical centers/clinics/healthcare providers. Online consultation helps you learn about the medical abortion process and healthcare measures that need to be taken at home. Reports reveal, women undergoing medical abortion prefer consulting online for further healthcare assistance. Also, women who performed non-invasive pregnancy termination with online assistance witnessed smooth abortion procedures with fewer or no complications.  Benefits of Online consultation It’s a general tendency for women that they do not speak openly about healthcare concerns relating to their reproductive system. Speaking to a physician or a gynecologist may not give the right solution unless they freely speak about the situation without any discomfort. Online consultation, on the other hand, breaks this barrier and ensures the patient is comfortable. Following are a few more benefits of online consultation for medical abortion.  Online consultation is a cost-effective way to consult medical experts, Having learned your symptoms and experiences, online consultation bridges the gap between women needing an abortion and experienced medical experts... View Article

How Can You Do The Pregnancy Termination?

April 9, 2018 11:57 am Published by Leave your thoughts

One MTP kit typically aborts an early pregnancy of women whose pregnancy gestation is up to 7-8 weeks, yet, medical experts and physicians prescribe two kits for some women to end their unwanted early pregnancy. If that is the case, what is the need of taking 2 MTP kits? What are the things to be kept in mind before administering two MTP kits to end an early pregnancy? The blog will give you inside-out information about the pregnancy termination process using 2 kits.  When does a woman need to take two MTP kits? As said before, medical abortion performed through one kit typically aborts an early pregnancy up to gestation period of 8 weeks. This way, the contents are enough to stop the growth of the pregnancy and remove the embryo contents. However, when she is pregnant with more than 8 weeks (up to 10 weeks) one kit may not be enough for abortion. Hence, in such a case, physicians advise taking two MTP kits to end the unwanted pregnancy. How does it work? When you buy abortion pills, such as an MTP kit, it arrives with a combination of two medications which are required to terminate an early pregnancy.... View Article