Categories for Abortion Pills

Is there any infection risk in the medical abortion procedure?

October 1, 2018 12:24 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Unlike the case in surgical abortion, medical abortion does not use surgical instruments to end an unwanted pregnancy. A surgical pregnancy termination or induced abortion has high chances of infection to the cervix and vaginal area. This infection can be severe at times affecting the vaginal health of women permanently. This is surely not the case with medical termination of pregnancy. In a medical abortion process, there are very rare possibilities of infections. Women must note that recent studies and improvements have lowered the number of infections in medical abortion cases by around 93%. When women buy abortion pills especially, Misoprostol and mifepristone online, it is advised that they learn the abortion procedure and risks involved.  We’ll see what are the infection risks involved in the pills-induced pregnancy ending process. Mifepristone: Mifepristone is an antiprogesterone tablet which contributes the medical abortion process by stopping the fetal growth. There’s no infection risk in the abortion process after taking Mifepristone. Misoprostol: Misoprostol is a prostaglandin pill that contributed the medical abortion process by removing pregnancy contents from the body. The prostaglandin constituents cause contractions in the uterine lining. This is the reason why women feel cramps in their lower back area and... View Article

How should you take Mifeprex 200 mg during medical abortion?

August 24, 2018 7:11 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Mifeprex is one of the important contributors to the medical abortion drug combination. There are a lot of women around the world who buy Mifeprex online or from the local stores along with the other prostaglandin pill. Women must understand how the pill is administered. The user must follow the instructions properly in order to get safe and result assured abortion with Mifeprex pill at low cost. Are there any other counterparts for Mifeprex? Yes, It does have some counterparts. You can get Generic RU486 or Mifepristone abortion pill as an alternate option for Mifeprex. Three of them work effectively and help in ending the unwanted pregnancy. How should you administer Mifeprex? Unlike the case in Misoprostol which gives you two methods of consuming the pill, Mifeprex has only one method of administering it. Oral. You must take Mifeprex orally with water. Physicians typically advise 200 mg of Mifeprex tablet to end a pregnancy of 8-10 weeks of gestation. How does it work? Mifeprex contains anti-progesterone constituents. It works against progesterone hormone and stops the growth of the pregnancy. What are the after effects of Mifeprex? There are not any immediate after-effects of Mifeprex. However, some women may experience slight... View Article

Confirming the pregnancy at home

July 26, 2018 5:01 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Getting pregnant is easy, all you need is a will from your partner and loads of love. What nullifies the process is an unplanned gestation. Worst, the process of knowing whether you are pregnant or not! The positive result of pregnancy can seldom be undesired. In such cases, you need to think wisely about the situation and make a decision if you want to have an abortion or continue the pregnancy. You can buy abortion pill kit online (or from nearby stores) and administer them to end your pregnancy at the earliest, or, consult an expert on how you can deal with the situation. The overall pregnancy tests, or whether to approach a test are hideous. Confusions arise as to when should one take a test, if yes, then how!? Home tests are preferred by most, considering they have been largely conducted by self which hides away the probable outcome of visiting a doctor. But when one should take a home pregnancy test is a matter of concern. Menstrual Cycles: The most obvious and ancient method to go for a home pregnancy test is to check the onset of recent menstruation. It is quite easy if you have track of... View Article

5 Myths about medical abortion

July 14, 2018 10:15 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Medical abortion has always been a concern of dubiety issues in women due to various false beliefs spread in the societies. If truth be told, a medical abortion performed using a drug combination of the anti-progesterone pill and a prostaglandin pill is assuredly a safe and effective way of ending an unwanted pregnancy. Here are 5 myths about medical abortion which you should listen to. The myths need to be debunked and women must be educated regarding the entire process of medical abortion. Women mostly choose online abortion pill in places like the USA and Texas in particular. This allows them to have a medical abortion with complete privacy maintained. It long-term side effects: Like most other medication, abortion pills have certain side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, headache etc. These side effects are not permanent. The abortion pills do not have any long-term impact on the body. Also, the minor side effects of abortion are easily curable with primary medication. It makes you infertile: This is a commonly found myth about the after-effects of medical abortion. When you abort your pregnancy abortion pills, it does not affect the future pregnancies. Also, neither does it have an impact on the... View Article

Why medical abortion is a liberal choice for women

July 10, 2018 9:28 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Considering the aftermath resulting from an unwanted pregnancy, medical abortion can be considered as the appropriate option for women. Medical abortion is a procedure of terminating an unwanted pregnancy at home using a drug combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol. Following are the consequences of continued unwanted pregnancy which may occur with women: Suicides: There are have been cases of women not being able to handle the stress of unintended pregnancy and life pressure. This has led them to take a suicide decision. Living with an unwanted pregnancy can indeed be traumatic. However, if women chose to buy abortion pills online and end their pregnancy at home, the problem is likely to be resolved. The maintained privacy and easily available abortion pills online will refrain women from taking such dreadful decisions. Health risks for women: If a woman gets pregnant in an unhealthy environment, it can lead to several health risks to the child and mother both. Women’s health has to be taken into account while regulating the laws against abortion. The outcomes may turn out be fatal and even worse with continued pregnancy. A child being left unadopted: Another concern raised by pro-life people is the adoption option. As per... View Article

Masturbation Facts That Every Woman Must Know

June 27, 2018 5:57 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Masturbation has become a part of the sexually growing age for many. There is still lacks clarity in women if masturbation is good or pertains to health risks. There are women who avoid vaginal intercourse in the fear of pregnancy. In such a case, Ovral birth control or similar contraceptives can effectively prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Further, even if you get pregnant through unprotected intercourse, you can get abortion pill kit for your early pregnancy termination. What is masturbation? Masturbation refers to stimulating your genitals by yourself using fingers or other objects. While men and women both have reported involved in the self-stimulation activity, women prefer not opening up about the topic, unlike men. Female masturbation contributes to preventing cervical infections  and urinary tract infections: Masturbation or female solo intercourse can work as a protection against cervical infections. This takes place after the orgasm produced by the self-stimulation opens the cervix. A major percentage in the women who are suffering from urinary tract infections report that when they masturbated while with UTI, it relieved their pain and lubricated the vagina. With this, the unhealthy bacteria got expelled from the body through lubrication which otherwise would have caused serious impact to... View Article

Pregnancy After 40: Is it safe?

June 5, 2018 11:07 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Women nowadays prioritize their needs where factors such as career, financial stability are given precedence than pregnancy and parenting. As a result, we are hearing more cases of women trying to conceive after the age of 40 through multiple medical or surgical methods. However, there remains a high degree of risks and difficulties involved in the whole process. The direct adverse effect of the mid-age pregnancy may not be strongly visible. It may not show major health risks, however, it leads to a number of complications which could have been avoided otherwise. Hence, women are advised to plan their baby before they reach the age of 35-40. They can buy Ovral contraceptive pills or other birth control methods after 40 to stay away from unintended conception or abstain from abnormal pregnancies. As a woman gets older, after a certain point in time, the quantity and the quality of eggs cells produced in her ovaries start declining. This is one of the major concerns why conceiving after 40 is risky.  Health risks to infant: As stated before, the egg quality in the woman’s ovaries deteriorates which increases the personal and psychological difficulties in the infant.   Women may have twins or... View Article

Are You Eligible To Take Abortion Pills?

May 30, 2018 8:50 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The eligibility for undergoing a medical abortion varies depending on the user’s region, body type, age, gestation period, and medical condition. This is indicated with regard to health safety measures and the legalities in various regions. The eligibility for medical abortion is thus set to avoid all possible adverse events during the procedure. Following are the points that will help you learn the criteria for buying abortion pills. You’re pregnant: Many a time, women misinterpret a missed period or early pregnancy-like symptoms as a conception. The condition may be true, but you need to be formally assured that you have conceived. Never self-medicate and ingest abortion pills only because you feel you’re pregnant. Perform a pregnancy test and confirm your pregnancy. Abortion pills, by some women, are also wrongly used as birth control pills and this can have serious repercussions. Regular consumption of abortion pills lowers the chances of future pregnancies or creates complications in them. It’s always safer to buy Ovral pill online or other contraceptive methods to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. The gestation period is up to 8 weeks: Once you detect your unintended pregnancy, take a pregnancy termination decision at the earliest. Undergoing the necessary abortion medication... View Article

How Can You Do The Pregnancy Termination?

April 9, 2018 11:57 am Published by Leave your thoughts

One MTP kit typically aborts an early pregnancy of women whose pregnancy gestation is up to 7-8 weeks, yet, medical experts and physicians prescribe two kits for some women to end their unwanted early pregnancy. If that is the case, what is the need of taking 2 MTP kits? What are the things to be kept in mind before administering two MTP kits to end an early pregnancy? The blog will give you inside-out information about the pregnancy termination process using 2 kits.  When does a woman need to take two MTP kits? As said before, medical abortion performed through one kit typically aborts an early pregnancy up to gestation period of 8 weeks. This way, the contents are enough to stop the growth of the pregnancy and remove the embryo contents. However, when she is pregnant with more than 8 weeks (up to 10 weeks) one kit may not be enough for abortion. Hence, in such a case, physicians advise taking two MTP kits to end the unwanted pregnancy. How does it work? When you buy abortion pills, such as an MTP kit, it arrives with a combination of two medications which are required to terminate an early pregnancy.... View Article

How Should You Maintain Hygiene During a Medical Abortion?

March 28, 2018 12:42 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Maintaining hygiene during and after an abortion process leads to better health and faster recovery from the abortion. Since most women choose to buy abortion pills online to terminate their unwanted early pregnancy, shedding some light on hygiene maintenance was required while educating women about medical abortions. Why is hygiene more important during the medical abortion process? The vaginal flora is bacteria that lives inside the vagina typically dominated by lactobacilli species. The presence of the vaginal flora is required for producing hydrogen peroxide, lactic acid, and other constituents which keep the genital area naturally clean. Although the genitals are gifted with natural hygiene system, maintaining a clean genital area on a regular basis is necessary. One has to be even more careful during the medical abortion process since the genital area becomes sensitive and a bit vulnerable to bacterial infection. The woman needs to ensure proper sanitation is taken care of during and after the abortion process.   While you keep the genital area clean, you also have to make sure that you’re not disrupting the natural acidic PH of the vagina. To balance both, here’s what you can do to maintain hygiene during the medical abortion process.  ... View Article